Lily's final swimming lesson was on Friday last week... I held my breath and prepared myself for yet another crying / screaming lesson, but I was rather pleasantly surprised! Typically, it would be the last lesson for the year that Lily would cooperate and actually enjoy herself, but at least it was a positive outcome! She happily went to the teacher, kicked her legs, blew bubbles and did as she was told. I've now committed to more swimming lessons twice a week in January so fingers crossed she continues on this positive path.
In the mean time, we are swimming with her at home and she is a lot more confident. She happily kicks, jumps to us from the steps and even attempted floating on her back yesterday. So hopefully the summer swimming at home will also prepare her for her upcoming January lessons. My aim is to have a toddler who knows pool safety and is capable of getting herself out of any dangerous situations around water. It is a phobia of mine that something could happen to my children around swimming pools, so all things going well, this phobia can be put to rest when Lily is officially swimming on her own.
Friday, December 21, 2012
On the 17th December, 5 days after Zac turned 8 months old, Zac started crawling! Yes, he was mobile before, rolling and sliding about, but he officially started crawling on all fours, correctly (read "no leopard crawling), on the 17th. So we now have another mobile person in our household and I have no doubt that times are about to become a lot busier!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
8 months old
My precious little angel turned 8 months old yesterday and is really becoming a cute little "person" now. He knows what he wants, shows that he wants it and insists on it too; he is getting heavier in my arms; he is growing his first little tooth and he is leopard crawling to get to where he wants to go.
Sleep is still okay, some good nights and others not so great. Last night was an average night where he woke up at 2am for a feed and then 5:20am again, however, he didn't want to go back to sleep so that's when our day started *insert yawning face here*! The night before last was horrendous with almost hourly wake up calls - extremely exhausting! I can only put it down to teething... I suppose I will never know the reason for the consistently interrupted night's sleep.
Zac is on the move and is never in the same spot I leave him on. He is so eager to crawl, but for now all he is managing is the famous leopard crawl his sister mastered for quite some time. I know he is keen to pull himself up but unfortunately we don't have any pieces of furniture low enough for him to accomplish this goal. We have in fact just lowered his cot to the next lower level as when seated, he was pulling himself up against the side of the cot; a very easy position to actually go over and fall out of the thing! So prevention was key and we quickly altered the setting.
Zac continues to fill our lives with so much joy. Still such a smiley, happy, giggly little chap who is easy going and just generally happy. I don't think it is possible to love him more! xxx
Sleep is still okay, some good nights and others not so great. Last night was an average night where he woke up at 2am for a feed and then 5:20am again, however, he didn't want to go back to sleep so that's when our day started *insert yawning face here*! The night before last was horrendous with almost hourly wake up calls - extremely exhausting! I can only put it down to teething... I suppose I will never know the reason for the consistently interrupted night's sleep.
Zac is on the move and is never in the same spot I leave him on. He is so eager to crawl, but for now all he is managing is the famous leopard crawl his sister mastered for quite some time. I know he is keen to pull himself up but unfortunately we don't have any pieces of furniture low enough for him to accomplish this goal. We have in fact just lowered his cot to the next lower level as when seated, he was pulling himself up against the side of the cot; a very easy position to actually go over and fall out of the thing! So prevention was key and we quickly altered the setting.
Zac continues to fill our lives with so much joy. Still such a smiley, happy, giggly little chap who is easy going and just generally happy. I don't think it is possible to love him more! xxx
Monday, December 10, 2012
1st little tooth!
With Lily only sprouting her first tooth a couple of days before her 1st birthday, I wasn't expecting Zac to produce any pearly whites before that time either, but while we were out and about this last weekend, I noticed that Zac has just cut his first little bottom tooth! At just 4 days short of his 8 month "birthday", my little angel officially has his first tooth!!! Wonder when the second one will appear and how he is going to look without his gummy smile... Only time will tell xxx
Friday, December 7, 2012
Swimming update
My little angel was doing so well and really made me so proud seeing that I didn't quite have the confidence that she would venture off with the swimming teacher away from the safety of the shallow step. She happily held Teacher Saskia's neck and kicked her little legs with a proud smile stretched across her adorable little face... That was until it was time to put her face under the water (or be lightly dunked under the water I should say)! After that, it was all downhill - tears, loud cries and getting out of the pool, quite adamant that she didn't want to get back in!
Now my little angel, whose confidence in the water was growing, is a little more cautious and reluctant to venture too far into the pool again. She wasn't put under water today though so hopefully we can get back to where we were. But for now she is reluctantly going into the deeper water with her arms firmly around Saskia's neck, kicking just slightly and is very much more secure in the safety of the baby step... Week one is done and we have one week left. Fingers crossed we can get her used to getting her little face wet and a little more confident in the water on a whole.
Now my little angel, whose confidence in the water was growing, is a little more cautious and reluctant to venture too far into the pool again. She wasn't put under water today though so hopefully we can get back to where we were. But for now she is reluctantly going into the deeper water with her arms firmly around Saskia's neck, kicking just slightly and is very much more secure in the safety of the baby step... Week one is done and we have one week left. Fingers crossed we can get her used to getting her little face wet and a little more confident in the water on a whole.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
20 things a mom should tell her son...
1. Play a sport.
It will teach you how to win honorably, lose gracefully, respect authority, work with others, manage your time and stay out of trouble. And maybe even throw or catch.
2. You will set the tone for the sexual relationship, so don't take something away from her that you can't give back.
3. Use careful aim when you pee.
Somebody's got to clean that up, you know.
4. Save money when you're young
because you're going to need it someday.
5. Allow me to introduce you to the dishwasher, oven, washing machine, iron, vacuum, mop and broom. Now please go use them.
6. Pray and be a spiritual leader.
7. Don't ever be a bully and don't ever start a fight, but if some idiot clocks you, please defend yourself.
8. Your knowledge and education is something that nobody can take away from you.
9. Treat women kindly.
Forever is a long time to live alone and it's even longer to live with somebody who hates your guts.
10. Take pride in your appearance.
11. Be strong and tender at the same time.
12. A woman can do everything that you can do.
This includes her having a successful career and you changing diapers at 3 A.M. Mutual respect is the key to a good relationship.
13. "Yes ma'am" and "yes sir" still go a long way.
14. The reason that they're called "private parts" is because they're "private". Please do not scratch them in public.
15. Peer pressure is a scary thing.
Be a good leader and others will follow.
16. Bringing her flowers for no reason is always a good idea.
17. It is better to be kind than to be right.
18. A sense of humor goes a long way in the healing process.
19. Please choose your spouse wisely.
My daughter-in-law will be the gatekeeper for me spending time with you and my grandchildren.
20. Remember to call your mother because I might be missing you.
It will teach you how to win honorably, lose gracefully, respect authority, work with others, manage your time and stay out of trouble. And maybe even throw or catch.
2. You will set the tone for the sexual relationship, so don't take something away from her that you can't give back.
3. Use careful aim when you pee.
Somebody's got to clean that up, you know.
4. Save money when you're young
because you're going to need it someday.
5. Allow me to introduce you to the dishwasher, oven, washing machine, iron, vacuum, mop and broom. Now please go use them.
6. Pray and be a spiritual leader.
7. Don't ever be a bully and don't ever start a fight, but if some idiot clocks you, please defend yourself.
8. Your knowledge and education is something that nobody can take away from you.
9. Treat women kindly.
Forever is a long time to live alone and it's even longer to live with somebody who hates your guts.
10. Take pride in your appearance.
11. Be strong and tender at the same time.
12. A woman can do everything that you can do.
This includes her having a successful career and you changing diapers at 3 A.M. Mutual respect is the key to a good relationship.
13. "Yes ma'am" and "yes sir" still go a long way.
14. The reason that they're called "private parts" is because they're "private". Please do not scratch them in public.
15. Peer pressure is a scary thing.
Be a good leader and others will follow.
16. Bringing her flowers for no reason is always a good idea.
17. It is better to be kind than to be right.
18. A sense of humor goes a long way in the healing process.
19. Please choose your spouse wisely.
My daughter-in-law will be the gatekeeper for me spending time with you and my grandchildren.
20. Remember to call your mother because I might be missing you.
What's going on?
My dear little angel boy, who is only full of smiles and cute giggles the majority of the time, is suddenly really giving this mom a tough time when it comes to sleep. Prior to a few weeks ago my nights would look similar to the following:
I truly hope that this is just a phase and a very short lived one at that!!!
- 7pm / 7:30pm - sleep
- For some unknown reason, about an hour later I'd get a wake up call but a minute's rocking would get him back to sleep fairly easily.
- 2am / 3am - wake up for a feed
- 5am / 6am - start the day
- 7pm - sleep
- 7:30pm - woke up / rocked back to sleep within 5 minutes
- 8pm - woke up again, but could not get him back to sleep! Sat with him for what seemed like forever! Put him down a few times only for him to wake up and cry and I'd have to start the whole rocking procedure all over again to get him back to sleep!
- 9:35 - EVENTUALLY back to sleep!
- 2am - wake up for a feed
- 4:40am - another feed
- 5:45am - start the day
I truly hope that this is just a phase and a very short lived one at that!!!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Swimming lessons... again
After halting swimming lessons when Lily was much younger due to the winter months and this nervous first-time mom not wanting her baby to get ill, it has now dawned on me that my child needs to learn how to swim. It is my absolute worst fear that something should happen to any of my children around water. So I have started an intensive 10 day swimming course with our Lily Pie with today being our first lesson...
Naturally Lily has lost all notion of what it is to swim, be dunked under water and float about from her earlier lessons when she was 8-12 months old. With her being a little shy of new people I wasn't anticipating great things from her first lesson, but I have to admit, she pleasantly surprised me. She eagerly entered the heated pool with her little friend Matthew and teacher Saskia and was happy to play about in the step area while mommy watched from the sidelines. However, as expected, she was having none of going into the water with Saskia. She was quite happy to kick about on the step, blow bubbles and play with the toys. Only once, on Saskia's persistence, did she actually go into the pool being held by Saskia all the while telling her that she wanted to be returned to the safety of the step!
I hope and pray that this R750 tend day course proves worth while and that she eventually gains confidence to go to the teacher and venture into the deeper end of the pool. For now the step is her best friend and I don't see her eagerly venturing any further. Carol, the swimming school owner, believes that it will take another lesson or two and she will be fine. Somehow I'm not as convinced knowing how determined and strong willed my little princess can be. We shall see...
Naturally Lily has lost all notion of what it is to swim, be dunked under water and float about from her earlier lessons when she was 8-12 months old. With her being a little shy of new people I wasn't anticipating great things from her first lesson, but I have to admit, she pleasantly surprised me. She eagerly entered the heated pool with her little friend Matthew and teacher Saskia and was happy to play about in the step area while mommy watched from the sidelines. However, as expected, she was having none of going into the water with Saskia. She was quite happy to kick about on the step, blow bubbles and play with the toys. Only once, on Saskia's persistence, did she actually go into the pool being held by Saskia all the while telling her that she wanted to be returned to the safety of the step!
I hope and pray that this R750 tend day course proves worth while and that she eventually gains confidence to go to the teacher and venture into the deeper end of the pool. For now the step is her best friend and I don't see her eagerly venturing any further. Carol, the swimming school owner, believes that it will take another lesson or two and she will be fine. Somehow I'm not as convinced knowing how determined and strong willed my little princess can be. We shall see...
Lily & her little friend Matthew with Teacher Saskia |
Monday, November 26, 2012
Weigh-in time
Just a quick update on our growing little (or should I say "big") boy... At 7.5 months Zac now weighs just 10g short of a whopping 8kg! He has also gained almost 5cm in just a month and a half! He has literally grown overnight and is such a big "little" guy :) He is the cutest little munchkin ever - love him to absolute bits! xxx
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I can't help but ask why?
I know some would say that one shouldn't question "why" things happen in this world and to just accept that things in life happen, but I cannot help but question why a helpless, tiny little innocent soul was taken from this world yesterday. Friends of my husband lost their little boy to a cancerous brain tumour. He was just little over a year old. I heard the news last night and have been full of emotions ever since - it has really hit home for me having 2 small little precious angels myself.
I don't know the family very well, but, like us, they too have an older daughter and then of course Lucas, their baby boy. I'm not 100% sure of his age, but from what I can gather, he was about 14 months old. Upon hearing the news I happen to have a sleeping Zac in my arms and after reading the Facebook messages and photographs of a once happy, healthy baby boy, it was just too much for me. As I type this I am crying yet again. Why did such an innocent little angel have to suffer and endure the pain he most certainly was exposed to? What was the purpose of his short little life? I wish I had the answers - I know his parents most certainly wish for that too. I cannot begin to imagine the heartache and pain they must be going through. Truly devastating.
This blog is usually upbeat, sometimes comedic and often nostalgic, but never sad, but I had to put down my feelings as this has truly affected me in the last 24 hours. I have been giving Lily and Zac extra added attention and additional squeezes and hugs today. I want to protect them from this sometimes cruel and sad world, I never want them to know pain, hurt or heartache. I wish I could wrap them in bubble wrap and always hide them from the horrors out there. If only life were so simple...
I don't know the family very well, but, like us, they too have an older daughter and then of course Lucas, their baby boy. I'm not 100% sure of his age, but from what I can gather, he was about 14 months old. Upon hearing the news I happen to have a sleeping Zac in my arms and after reading the Facebook messages and photographs of a once happy, healthy baby boy, it was just too much for me. As I type this I am crying yet again. Why did such an innocent little angel have to suffer and endure the pain he most certainly was exposed to? What was the purpose of his short little life? I wish I had the answers - I know his parents most certainly wish for that too. I cannot begin to imagine the heartache and pain they must be going through. Truly devastating.
This blog is usually upbeat, sometimes comedic and often nostalgic, but never sad, but I had to put down my feelings as this has truly affected me in the last 24 hours. I have been giving Lily and Zac extra added attention and additional squeezes and hugs today. I want to protect them from this sometimes cruel and sad world, I never want them to know pain, hurt or heartache. I wish I could wrap them in bubble wrap and always hide them from the horrors out there. If only life were so simple...
Monday, November 12, 2012
7 months today
Another month has literally flown by and my baby is 7 months old. This morning I had Zac on his little changing mat on my makeshift changing station on the dining room table and I just cuddled, giggled and watched him in awe. I can't take in enough of my little boy - I want to take memory snap shots so as not to forget that precise moment staring into each other's eyes. I know with Lily that it is easy to forget how small they were, when they conquered new milestones... life just gets so busy that it's easy to forget. That's why I really just enjoyed those few precious moments of looking into each other's eyes, taking in the beautiful giggle sounds, gorgeous smiles, heartmelting stares. I wish our minds had a rewind and replay button that we could switch whenever we wanted... I suppose that's what video cameras and cameras are for - best keep them at the ready!
Zac, sometimes I still can't believe that I've been blessed with a gorgeous, happy little boy. As I've said before, I am such a girly girl and only figured I'd be blessed with baby girls, but along you came and boy have you changed my world. I'm meant to be your mom and am just loving being a mommy to you my precious angel! I'm totally and utterly addicted to your snuggles, your smell and your contagious smile. You're still such a happy little guy, content to play on your own on your mat or in your cot. You're finding things intriguing now and will stretch to get your hands on what you're after. Once you have your desired item, you immediately put it into your mouth to taste and explore, often stopping for a moment to stare at it in absolute wonderment.
You're so much more mobile these days, rolling all over the place! I put you on your mat on the floor and often find you way under the coffee table or on the other side of the lounge. You aren't crawling yet, but you're definitely mobile from sliding backwards (yes, you can crawl backwards on your stomach I suppose you could say!) or literally rolling over and over to the other side of the room. You're definitely not like your sister when it comes to rolling - she didn't roll over much at all, but you're a huge fan, continuously rolling your way around.
You are a fantastic eater, eating everything I give to you. You eat quite significant portions too! You're growing beautifully and are on par with your clothing size for your age - slowly moving into your 6-12 months items. You are still in a size 3 nappy but I don't think you'll be a size 3 for too much longer. I have the size 4's ready for you after this last size 3 pack finishes... Hope they fit!
All in all you absolutely light up our lives and are a true blessing who we love more than words could describe. I'm so complete with my 2 precious angels and continue to love watching you both grow and become the cute little people you are. Love you forever my angel xxx
Zac, sometimes I still can't believe that I've been blessed with a gorgeous, happy little boy. As I've said before, I am such a girly girl and only figured I'd be blessed with baby girls, but along you came and boy have you changed my world. I'm meant to be your mom and am just loving being a mommy to you my precious angel! I'm totally and utterly addicted to your snuggles, your smell and your contagious smile. You're still such a happy little guy, content to play on your own on your mat or in your cot. You're finding things intriguing now and will stretch to get your hands on what you're after. Once you have your desired item, you immediately put it into your mouth to taste and explore, often stopping for a moment to stare at it in absolute wonderment.
You're so much more mobile these days, rolling all over the place! I put you on your mat on the floor and often find you way under the coffee table or on the other side of the lounge. You aren't crawling yet, but you're definitely mobile from sliding backwards (yes, you can crawl backwards on your stomach I suppose you could say!) or literally rolling over and over to the other side of the room. You're definitely not like your sister when it comes to rolling - she didn't roll over much at all, but you're a huge fan, continuously rolling your way around.
You are a fantastic eater, eating everything I give to you. You eat quite significant portions too! You're growing beautifully and are on par with your clothing size for your age - slowly moving into your 6-12 months items. You are still in a size 3 nappy but I don't think you'll be a size 3 for too much longer. I have the size 4's ready for you after this last size 3 pack finishes... Hope they fit!
All in all you absolutely light up our lives and are a true blessing who we love more than words could describe. I'm so complete with my 2 precious angels and continue to love watching you both grow and become the cute little people you are. Love you forever my angel xxx
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Shedding the post-pregnancy weight
This is proving to be an exceptionally slow, frustrating and disappointing task. I do realise that it took 9 months to gain the weight and it will take some time to come off, but trying to squeeze myself into my pre-pregnancy clothes is a constant reminder that I'm carrying extra weight and am a few kg's off being back to "me". Don't get me wrong - my pre-pregnancy clothes are fitting me, they are just a little snug in the upper thigh and waist where they used to be loose fitting. I am guestimating that I have about a minimum of 5kg to lose before I'm more comfortable and boy are these a stubborn few kilograms!
So as of Monday, 5th November, I decided I needed to be a little more strict with what I put into my mouth. This body of mine doesn't shed weight easily and it gains 10kg just by looking at a slice of cake so I have to be rather careful!
I have done really well with only a little slip of a few wine gums on Wednesday evening. I've had the following menu for the last 4 days:
Breakfast: Woolworths 150g yoghurt or 2 x eggs
Lunch: 4 x corn thins with cream cheese and jam (jam is my small indulgence - perhaps a move to bovril is a better option...)
Snack: Nuts or biltong
Dinner: A mixture of fish / chicken / lamb chops with salad or roast vegetables
Snack: Milk coffee
I'm also making a concerted effort to increase my water intake. I find in winter that my water consumption takes a huge dive, but now with the weather warming up, I have no excuse! So as a result, I'm running to the toilet far more often too which is a little frustrating.
I haven't had the guts to weigh myself as of yet but I'm guestimating my weight. As soon as I start to feel that my clothes are a little looser, I will definitely take the plunge and look at the number! I've been looking through my honeymoon photographs and my aim is to get back to that - obviously getting to the gym with 2 babies with me constantly isn't easy so I'm putting off going to the gym until the new year when Lily starts school and I can leave Zac with Ritah while I get an hour's workout session in. I'm actually seriously considering getting a personal trainer again just like before our wedding - added pressure and motivation. No excuses when you're paying for a service and someone's watching your every move!
So... now that I've written down in black and white my intentions I suppose there's no going back! To looking like this again in 2013:
Just one thing though... Having my 2 kids and the resulting body changes is SO worth it! I wouldn't change it for the world!!!
So as of Monday, 5th November, I decided I needed to be a little more strict with what I put into my mouth. This body of mine doesn't shed weight easily and it gains 10kg just by looking at a slice of cake so I have to be rather careful!
I have done really well with only a little slip of a few wine gums on Wednesday evening. I've had the following menu for the last 4 days:
Breakfast: Woolworths 150g yoghurt or 2 x eggs
Lunch: 4 x corn thins with cream cheese and jam (jam is my small indulgence - perhaps a move to bovril is a better option...)
Snack: Nuts or biltong
Dinner: A mixture of fish / chicken / lamb chops with salad or roast vegetables
Snack: Milk coffee
I'm also making a concerted effort to increase my water intake. I find in winter that my water consumption takes a huge dive, but now with the weather warming up, I have no excuse! So as a result, I'm running to the toilet far more often too which is a little frustrating.
I haven't had the guts to weigh myself as of yet but I'm guestimating my weight. As soon as I start to feel that my clothes are a little looser, I will definitely take the plunge and look at the number! I've been looking through my honeymoon photographs and my aim is to get back to that - obviously getting to the gym with 2 babies with me constantly isn't easy so I'm putting off going to the gym until the new year when Lily starts school and I can leave Zac with Ritah while I get an hour's workout session in. I'm actually seriously considering getting a personal trainer again just like before our wedding - added pressure and motivation. No excuses when you're paying for a service and someone's watching your every move!
So... now that I've written down in black and white my intentions I suppose there's no going back! To looking like this again in 2013:
Just one thing though... Having my 2 kids and the resulting body changes is SO worth it! I wouldn't change it for the world!!!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Just like his sister, Zac started to sit (with a little support) as he turned 6 months old. Every day since then he has been mastering the art of sitting unaided and is getting rather strong, even though he does experience the odd face-plant action every now and then. He looks like such a big little boy sitting there on his own with his little podgy legs bent in front of him - too cute for words!
Zac is also an active little guy rolling about all over the floor! Lily wasn't a fan of rolling and didn't do very much of it at all. Zac on the other hand rolls about everywhere - from one end of his mat to the other and then off the mat either onto the tiles or under the coffee table. He is never anywhere near the spot where I left him. It is so cute watching him stretching for an object or trying to get somewhere. He is truly well on his way to being more mobile and I must get used to the idea that soon I won't be able to spend as much time in a sedentary position while looking after him! Bring on the busy-ness!
Zac is also an active little guy rolling about all over the floor! Lily wasn't a fan of rolling and didn't do very much of it at all. Zac on the other hand rolls about everywhere - from one end of his mat to the other and then off the mat either onto the tiles or under the coffee table. He is never anywhere near the spot where I left him. It is so cute watching him stretching for an object or trying to get somewhere. He is truly well on his way to being more mobile and I must get used to the idea that soon I won't be able to spend as much time in a sedentary position while looking after him! Bring on the busy-ness!
Barney time!
My mom came across some free admission tickets to the Mama Magic Expo's Barney show this year which included an appearance by Cbeebies' Nina and the Neurons and she decided that it would be a fantastic idea to take our little Lily Pie. And true to form, my mother as per usual, was right!
On Friday my mom, some friends and I went to the Cape Town Convention Centre for the much awaited for show. We got there with half an hour to spare in order to secure some fantastic seats. My mom worked her charm with the security staff and managed to get us prime seats in the 4th row (we didn't want seats in the front in case the kids got frightened - which wasn't the case in the end)!
Nina and the Neurons came on first and although Lily and her little friends were excited to see her, I think it was a little too advanced for them so it didn't maintain their concentration for the entire 30 minutes she was on stage. It was lovely to see them watching her in absolute awe when she first came onto the stage. Totally and utterly worth the effort to get to the show.
And then of course it was time for Barney's grand appearance and the main reason for us being there! Lily and her friends were so excited to see him and their faces were worth a thousand words when he eventually appeared. It was actually so emotional watching them that my mom, Nicole, Kim and I just got so teary! Ridiculous that we were teary eyed over a large purple disosaur but I suppose that's what having kids does to you! Lily was in awe and just wanted to get closer to the stage so we eventually crept to the front and sat on the floor. Shame, she couldn't understand why she couldn't hold Barney's hand and was quite disappointed when the show finished and she didn't get to say a personal goodbye to him. Bless, so cute!
Here are some pictures of our time at the fun Barney show:
On Friday my mom, some friends and I went to the Cape Town Convention Centre for the much awaited for show. We got there with half an hour to spare in order to secure some fantastic seats. My mom worked her charm with the security staff and managed to get us prime seats in the 4th row (we didn't want seats in the front in case the kids got frightened - which wasn't the case in the end)!
Nina and the Neurons came on first and although Lily and her little friends were excited to see her, I think it was a little too advanced for them so it didn't maintain their concentration for the entire 30 minutes she was on stage. It was lovely to see them watching her in absolute awe when she first came onto the stage. Totally and utterly worth the effort to get to the show.
And then of course it was time for Barney's grand appearance and the main reason for us being there! Lily and her friends were so excited to see him and their faces were worth a thousand words when he eventually appeared. It was actually so emotional watching them that my mom, Nicole, Kim and I just got so teary! Ridiculous that we were teary eyed over a large purple disosaur but I suppose that's what having kids does to you! Lily was in awe and just wanted to get closer to the stage so we eventually crept to the front and sat on the floor. Shame, she couldn't understand why she couldn't hold Barney's hand and was quite disappointed when the show finished and she didn't get to say a personal goodbye to him. Bless, so cute!
Here are some pictures of our time at the fun Barney show:
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Trick or treat
Every Halloween our estate has an organised evening where the children get dressed up and knock on the doors of our neighbours to collect some treats. My friend Nicole, her hubby and son, Matthew, came across from their estate to join us for some trick or treating as well as an early evening braai.
Matthew was dressed up as a precious little pirate and Lily as a fairy - she donned the cutest pink fairy wings, a tiara in her hair, a fairy skirt and a matching wand in hand. See picture below:
It was too precious! Lily is quite the shy little child and is very quiet when meeting new people so it was with the sweetest, shy little voice that she would say "trick or treat" when being met by some new people at yet another new door. She would confidently help herself to sweets when offered and happily place them into her little collection bag. Needless to say by the end of the evening she had a bag filled with chips, suckers, chocolates, toffees and fizzers. Thankfully she was content to only eat one marshmellow and didn't insist on over indulging!
Next year we plan on doing much more for the occassion - dressing the exterior of the house with Halloween paraphernalia, inviting a few friends around so a bigger group can go trick or treating together, organising a braai, etc. It was such a lovely evening out that it deserves to be celebrated, particularly with the kids being a year older and understanding the concept that much more. Can't wait!
Matthew was dressed up as a precious little pirate and Lily as a fairy - she donned the cutest pink fairy wings, a tiara in her hair, a fairy skirt and a matching wand in hand. See picture below:
It was too precious! Lily is quite the shy little child and is very quiet when meeting new people so it was with the sweetest, shy little voice that she would say "trick or treat" when being met by some new people at yet another new door. She would confidently help herself to sweets when offered and happily place them into her little collection bag. Needless to say by the end of the evening she had a bag filled with chips, suckers, chocolates, toffees and fizzers. Thankfully she was content to only eat one marshmellow and didn't insist on over indulging!
Next year we plan on doing much more for the occassion - dressing the exterior of the house with Halloween paraphernalia, inviting a few friends around so a bigger group can go trick or treating together, organising a braai, etc. It was such a lovely evening out that it deserves to be celebrated, particularly with the kids being a year older and understanding the concept that much more. Can't wait!
Update on sleep
So even though my nights have thankfully been better than the weekend's hourly wake up calls, I'm still rather exhausted, dreaming of my bed and wishing 8pm to come sooner! Zac's sniffles have now turned into a cough so of course this disrupts his sleep (and mine too). He doesn't necessarily wake up from the coughing spells, but I am disturbed by them so go to his room to check up on him and to readjust his sleep position. He has now been sleeping on his side and his mattress lifted to elevate his head. It definitely helps the majority of the time.
I hate it when my children are sick or battling and to hear him breathing through a snotty nose and coughing hard really breaks my heart. I hope whatever's causing this awful virus clears up soon so both Zac and I can get back to being healthy, getting more sleep and being overall happier chappies!
I hate it when my children are sick or battling and to hear him breathing through a snotty nose and coughing hard really breaks my heart. I hope whatever's causing this awful virus clears up soon so both Zac and I can get back to being healthy, getting more sleep and being overall happier chappies!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
I dream of sleep
It isn't often that I dream of a parallel universe where I am free to do as I please, but the last few days I have definitely been fantasising about a relm where I can be free to sleep as much as I need. I quite honestly think I could literally sleep the entire day away! Who knew that sleep would be such a precious commodity and that I'd quite honestly give my pinky finger to have a day that didn't start before 6am. Just one day where I could lie in and let nature lead the way so my body clock could stir my body awake, instead of being woken by baby moans, girgles or stirs.
I am especially tired this week due to a damn virus which has infected my precious little boy who has been so healthy since his 6 week RSV virus. He is now snotty and coughing slightly which disturbs his sleep and of course, my sleep in return. Friday night saw me waking up almost every single hour until I eventually put him in the bed with us at 2am. He then slept a lot more soundly until 6am when we had to start our day. Satuday he was very snotty, red eyed and just not feeling well (neither was I - I have the same virus) so that night was yet another bad one with limited hours of sleep.
It is times like these that I'm even more grateful for my mother. She selflessly came over on Sunday afternoon to look after Zac so hubby and I could have a much needed recharge nap. I hit the pillow at around 1:30 and only surfaced at about 3:45pm. It was bliss! Thankfully Sunday night was a lot more peaceful and Zac allowed a few more hours sleep than the previous two nights, but of course I could do with far more hours than even Sunday night provided! Then yesterday I decided that another afternoon nap would go down well so I handed my little man to Ritah, the domestic worker, while Lily was having her afternoon nap and I once again fell into a deep sleep for over 2 hours. Great!
Today Zac is still not quite himself with a snotty nose and cough. He is fighting the sleep during the day as he is refusing his dummy and just arching his back and screaming when placed in the sleep position in my arms. I hope that this isn't the start of something new and merely as a result of his illness! He has also been refusing the boob today and I've had to express in order to get some milk down him. Thankfully he has been taking the bottle. Please let this too be as a result of his cold and not a view of things to come...
So at the moment this mommy isn't at her fully functional capabilities and is literally quite zombie-fied! I could honestly do with a full 24 hours of sleep which I obviously realise is a mere fantasy. So instead I will settle for just a few straight hours of sleep tonight... Fingers, toes and everything crossed!
I am especially tired this week due to a damn virus which has infected my precious little boy who has been so healthy since his 6 week RSV virus. He is now snotty and coughing slightly which disturbs his sleep and of course, my sleep in return. Friday night saw me waking up almost every single hour until I eventually put him in the bed with us at 2am. He then slept a lot more soundly until 6am when we had to start our day. Satuday he was very snotty, red eyed and just not feeling well (neither was I - I have the same virus) so that night was yet another bad one with limited hours of sleep.
It is times like these that I'm even more grateful for my mother. She selflessly came over on Sunday afternoon to look after Zac so hubby and I could have a much needed recharge nap. I hit the pillow at around 1:30 and only surfaced at about 3:45pm. It was bliss! Thankfully Sunday night was a lot more peaceful and Zac allowed a few more hours sleep than the previous two nights, but of course I could do with far more hours than even Sunday night provided! Then yesterday I decided that another afternoon nap would go down well so I handed my little man to Ritah, the domestic worker, while Lily was having her afternoon nap and I once again fell into a deep sleep for over 2 hours. Great!
Today Zac is still not quite himself with a snotty nose and cough. He is fighting the sleep during the day as he is refusing his dummy and just arching his back and screaming when placed in the sleep position in my arms. I hope that this isn't the start of something new and merely as a result of his illness! He has also been refusing the boob today and I've had to express in order to get some milk down him. Thankfully he has been taking the bottle. Please let this too be as a result of his cold and not a view of things to come...
So at the moment this mommy isn't at her fully functional capabilities and is literally quite zombie-fied! I could honestly do with a full 24 hours of sleep which I obviously realise is a mere fantasy. So instead I will settle for just a few straight hours of sleep tonight... Fingers, toes and everything crossed!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Lily update
Getting the time to actually type up an update of late has proven rather difficult! I have a few very rare moments right now so thought a Lily update is a little overdue...
My absolute angel, such a truly soft little caring soul, the light of my life, the cutest little girl to have walked this earth, so intelligent, extremely funny and just an absolute joy from the moment she wakes up to the time she goes to bed. We are so very blessed with our precious little Lily and my heart swells with pride when I talk or think about her. We are incredibly lucky to have her in our lives.
Lily's vocabulary astounds us! The words and phrases she comes up with blows our minds. I love that we can have full on conversations now and that she grasps most of what we are trying to communicate with her. Some of her pronounciations are adorable, providing SO much entertainment! She has even grapsed the pronounciation of our ridiculously difficult surname saying "A foo tig"! Although not completely mastered, she definitely says it better than the majority of the population!
Her manners are impecable - always remembering to add her pleases and thank you's! The other day my mom lent us her laptop to skype my husband while he was in Australia and when she came to collect it, out of the blue Lily says, "Thank you very much granny for the computer". So precious how she knew that my mother had lent it to us and in addition to thank her for doing so!
Lily is still such an amazing big sister and constantly makes her brother laugh! She loves to hold him, give him kisses and play with him. She is never jealous. We realise that this is another huge blessing. Long may this sibling love last!
Still such an incredible sleeper, Lily goes down at around 8pm now and loves her story time and "mom and dad chat time" before saying goodnight. We then say our "I love you's", switch off her light and close the door and we don't hear another peep until around 6:30am. Her midday naps are also amazing with her going down at about 12:30pm and only waking at about 4pm. As a result we don't have that many play dates in the afternoons and try to do most of our fun things in the morning.
I could ramble on and on about my precious little angel, I am such a proud mommy. She fills our world with so much delight and I grow more and more in love with her every single day - who knew that was possible?!
My absolute angel, such a truly soft little caring soul, the light of my life, the cutest little girl to have walked this earth, so intelligent, extremely funny and just an absolute joy from the moment she wakes up to the time she goes to bed. We are so very blessed with our precious little Lily and my heart swells with pride when I talk or think about her. We are incredibly lucky to have her in our lives.
Lily's vocabulary astounds us! The words and phrases she comes up with blows our minds. I love that we can have full on conversations now and that she grasps most of what we are trying to communicate with her. Some of her pronounciations are adorable, providing SO much entertainment! She has even grapsed the pronounciation of our ridiculously difficult surname saying "A foo tig"! Although not completely mastered, she definitely says it better than the majority of the population!
Her manners are impecable - always remembering to add her pleases and thank you's! The other day my mom lent us her laptop to skype my husband while he was in Australia and when she came to collect it, out of the blue Lily says, "Thank you very much granny for the computer". So precious how she knew that my mother had lent it to us and in addition to thank her for doing so!
Lily is still such an amazing big sister and constantly makes her brother laugh! She loves to hold him, give him kisses and play with him. She is never jealous. We realise that this is another huge blessing. Long may this sibling love last!
Still such an incredible sleeper, Lily goes down at around 8pm now and loves her story time and "mom and dad chat time" before saying goodnight. We then say our "I love you's", switch off her light and close the door and we don't hear another peep until around 6:30am. Her midday naps are also amazing with her going down at about 12:30pm and only waking at about 4pm. As a result we don't have that many play dates in the afternoons and try to do most of our fun things in the morning.
I could ramble on and on about my precious little angel, I am such a proud mommy. She fills our world with so much delight and I grow more and more in love with her every single day - who knew that was possible?!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
6 months old!
I say it time and time again but where has my little 3kg baby gone? I cannot believe that 6 full months have passed and my little baby boy is half a year already! He is now a strong 7.2kg and 66cm in length. He is growing beautifully and perfectly, already holding himself nicely when in the sitting position! Just like his sister he mastered the art of sitting for a few seconds all on his own just a day or two before he turned 6 months. Such a proud mommy!
Zac, you are truly such a joy and I marvel at how you're growing, changing and discovering on a daily basis. You are still such an incredibly happy little chap full of smiles and infectious giggles. It doesn't take much coaxing to get you to smile or to erupt into giggles - a true an absolute delight!
You truly adore your sister and for some reason, the mere sight of her brings out a huge smile and little giggles! I don't know what you are seeing in her that is so infectiously funny but it is truly amazing to hear. She just loves making you laugh too so I have 2 gorgeous little babies who just love one another. Truly heart melting!
You are still in your size 3 nappies, wearing size 3-6 month clothes (although a few of your 6-12 months tops are starting to fit a little better) and are sleeping quite well for the most part. The last few nights haven't been great with you picking up an extra wake time at about 2am, followed by your usual 4am and then 6am. I'm battling a little to get you back down into your cot after your 4am feed - you wake up all the time! So the last few nights I have put you in my bed with me so we can both get some extra bit of sleep instead of starting our days at 4am! I'm hoping that soon you will start to sleep right through again to 4am or even later. Sleeping through would be amazing!!! Although I can't complain, you're a better sleeper than many babies and I'm not dying of sleep deprivation!
Otherwise you're a true joy and we love you more than words can describe. It is funny how you've only been in our lives for 6 months yet I cannot imagine our world without you in it. Thanks for being such an incredible little boy full of life and laughs. Mwah xxx
Zac, you are truly such a joy and I marvel at how you're growing, changing and discovering on a daily basis. You are still such an incredibly happy little chap full of smiles and infectious giggles. It doesn't take much coaxing to get you to smile or to erupt into giggles - a true an absolute delight!
You truly adore your sister and for some reason, the mere sight of her brings out a huge smile and little giggles! I don't know what you are seeing in her that is so infectiously funny but it is truly amazing to hear. She just loves making you laugh too so I have 2 gorgeous little babies who just love one another. Truly heart melting!
You are still in your size 3 nappies, wearing size 3-6 month clothes (although a few of your 6-12 months tops are starting to fit a little better) and are sleeping quite well for the most part. The last few nights haven't been great with you picking up an extra wake time at about 2am, followed by your usual 4am and then 6am. I'm battling a little to get you back down into your cot after your 4am feed - you wake up all the time! So the last few nights I have put you in my bed with me so we can both get some extra bit of sleep instead of starting our days at 4am! I'm hoping that soon you will start to sleep right through again to 4am or even later. Sleeping through would be amazing!!! Although I can't complain, you're a better sleeper than many babies and I'm not dying of sleep deprivation!
Otherwise you're a true joy and we love you more than words can describe. It is funny how you've only been in our lives for 6 months yet I cannot imagine our world without you in it. Thanks for being such an incredible little boy full of life and laughs. Mwah xxx
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Cooking, blending, pureeing, preparing, decanting and freezing... All the activities that are once again going to become a part of my weekly routine. I've been both looking forward to and not looking forward to the introduction of solids. Due to the above mentioned list of verbs (i.e. "doing words"), I could have delayed the inevitable for a little longer, however, I was extremely excited and courious to see how Zac took to the new experience and therefore looking forward to this next milestone as well.
Due to us introducing Lily to solids just after she turned 5 months, I decided to do the same with Zac. At exactly 5 months and 10 days old, we introduced our little guy to the wonderful world of veggies - gem squash to be exact. Initially he seemed quite confused by this new tasting substance that was being put into this mouth. He also wasn't sure whether this new texture required sucking, spitting or biting! The mouth movements were quite entertaining to watch.
My overall concensus was that Zac neither loved nor hated this new experience. He ate around 3 small teaspoons of the gem squash and that was that for the first trial. The second and third day saw him consuming and enjoying it a lot more. Tomorrow I'm excited to introduce a new veggie - sweet potato. Who knew that the mere activity of introducing foods to your baby would be such a thrill! Holding thumbs that he enjoys his solids and continues to do so in the future!
Due to us introducing Lily to solids just after she turned 5 months, I decided to do the same with Zac. At exactly 5 months and 10 days old, we introduced our little guy to the wonderful world of veggies - gem squash to be exact. Initially he seemed quite confused by this new tasting substance that was being put into this mouth. He also wasn't sure whether this new texture required sucking, spitting or biting! The mouth movements were quite entertaining to watch.
My overall concensus was that Zac neither loved nor hated this new experience. He ate around 3 small teaspoons of the gem squash and that was that for the first trial. The second and third day saw him consuming and enjoying it a lot more. Tomorrow I'm excited to introduce a new veggie - sweet potato. Who knew that the mere activity of introducing foods to your baby would be such a thrill! Holding thumbs that he enjoys his solids and continues to do so in the future!
Looking a little perplexed! |
Saturday, September 15, 2012
And he "speaks"!
Just as our little man Zac turned 5 months old, he decided it was time to start "speaking"! The past few days he has been "da da da da da'ing", "na na na na na'ing" and speaking in little baby talk which is truly gorgeous to hear.
He has also been giggling ever so more, especially when I bounce him up and down or say "boo!" I've also noticed that he has found his little feet and often grabs them, bringing his toes towards his mouth.
He seems to want to put everything in his mouth and often sits contently gumming on my fingers, hand or arm. I've given him a few teething rings to bite on, but he hasn't quite mastered the art of placing larger objects into his mouth, often missing the target. He is getting there though!
Our little man is now quite the accomplished "roller over" and upon leaving him on the bed on his tummy, I often return to find him lying on his back. Just the other day (again, after having turned 5 months) I left him on his back and he managed to roll over onto his stomach for the first time! So no more resting assured that where I leave my baby I will find him - got to carefully place him where I know he will remain safe out of harms way as he gets that little bit more mobile.
So many little milestones achieved just as he turned 5 months and as usual, I'm looking forward to the next one!
He has also been giggling ever so more, especially when I bounce him up and down or say "boo!" I've also noticed that he has found his little feet and often grabs them, bringing his toes towards his mouth.
He seems to want to put everything in his mouth and often sits contently gumming on my fingers, hand or arm. I've given him a few teething rings to bite on, but he hasn't quite mastered the art of placing larger objects into his mouth, often missing the target. He is getting there though!
Our little man is now quite the accomplished "roller over" and upon leaving him on the bed on his tummy, I often return to find him lying on his back. Just the other day (again, after having turned 5 months) I left him on his back and he managed to roll over onto his stomach for the first time! So no more resting assured that where I leave my baby I will find him - got to carefully place him where I know he will remain safe out of harms way as he gets that little bit more mobile.
So many little milestones achieved just as he turned 5 months and as usual, I'm looking forward to the next one!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
5 months today
Our little precious guy is a whopping 5 months old today! Still ever so happy and charming, he fills our lives with so much joy. I can't believe how big he is getting and guestimate his weight to be well over 7kg now. Many people have commented in the past that he has incredibly large hands so I'm intrigued to know whether our little guy is going to remain a little guy or whether he is going to be a tall, big boy! I suppose only time will tell...
Zac is still sleeping relatively well with one or two wake up calls at night. He then falls asleep on the boob and goes back down after about 15-20 minutes, allowing mom to happily go back to slumber land post feed. He still fights his day naps when sleep starts taking over - he fights it like something evil is taking over his little body! He pushes himself away from me and cries! Eventually, he succumbs to the extreme tiredness and I can then put him down in his cot. His sister used to fall asleep by self soothing without being held or rocked, but unfortunately, our little Zac prefers to be held and then once asleep, can the transition into the cot commence.
Zac is ever the charmer and gives everyone big smiles and kisses. He loves being nuzzled in the neck and kissed on the mouth. He responds with giggles and big open mouthed kisses right back (although he obviously isn't aware of the kissing motion - he is merely responding the touch of your lips by opening his mouth). We truly are so blessed with a happy little guy.
We are introducing solids sometime this month and I'm looking forward to seeing how well he responds. Lily took to solids with much enthusiasm and enjoyment so fingers crossed we have the same with our little Zacy Boy :)
Zac is still sleeping relatively well with one or two wake up calls at night. He then falls asleep on the boob and goes back down after about 15-20 minutes, allowing mom to happily go back to slumber land post feed. He still fights his day naps when sleep starts taking over - he fights it like something evil is taking over his little body! He pushes himself away from me and cries! Eventually, he succumbs to the extreme tiredness and I can then put him down in his cot. His sister used to fall asleep by self soothing without being held or rocked, but unfortunately, our little Zac prefers to be held and then once asleep, can the transition into the cot commence.
Zac is ever the charmer and gives everyone big smiles and kisses. He loves being nuzzled in the neck and kissed on the mouth. He responds with giggles and big open mouthed kisses right back (although he obviously isn't aware of the kissing motion - he is merely responding the touch of your lips by opening his mouth). We truly are so blessed with a happy little guy.
Giving granny some love and kisses |
Monday, September 10, 2012
Lily's 1st haircut
Lily's hair is often a topic of conversation... From strangers admiring her gorgeous curls to mommy's frustration with the morning struggle to get a brush through it! This mom, with dead straight hair, also frequently comments on how she managed to produce a child with Shirley Temple type ringlets?! Nevertheless, we have loved watching her hair grow over the months and have been exceptionally reluctant to put a pair of scissors near it.
However, the time had come to give Lily's unruly ends a neat trim and I placed her on the bathroom counter with her iPad so I could try to avoid any protests. Lily wasn't too happy about me putting the scissors so close to her head and gave a few whimpers before getting lost in her iPad much to my relief. Unfortunately, I am by no means a professional hairstylist and with Lily facing sideways, I think I may have ended up giving her a lopsided hairdo! Thankfully her curls hide a multitude of hair cutting sins so no-one is the wiser.
I must admit that it was quite sad cutting away at her baby curls - another reminder that my baby is growing up so quickly and at 28 months it was time for a neatening up. So here's to the first haircut of many more to follow.
However, the time had come to give Lily's unruly ends a neat trim and I placed her on the bathroom counter with her iPad so I could try to avoid any protests. Lily wasn't too happy about me putting the scissors so close to her head and gave a few whimpers before getting lost in her iPad much to my relief. Unfortunately, I am by no means a professional hairstylist and with Lily facing sideways, I think I may have ended up giving her a lopsided hairdo! Thankfully her curls hide a multitude of hair cutting sins so no-one is the wiser.
I must admit that it was quite sad cutting away at her baby curls - another reminder that my baby is growing up so quickly and at 28 months it was time for a neatening up. So here's to the first haircut of many more to follow.
Monday, September 3, 2012
1st night away
Last week we decided to go to Old Mac Daddy in Elgin for our first night away as a family of four. Of course only going for one night, you'd expect the luggage capacity to be at a minimum... Well, unfortunately not with two babies! We were packed to the max, with the dogs at the extreme rear of the car of course and my "not so small" bum squished between the two car seats at the back. Thankfully our destination was only an hour and a half away so the discomfort wasn't endured for too long.
My wonderful parents joined us on our night away which always adds some more fun to the mix. We stayed in the three bedroom villa, a few stairs climb on the hill. With nothing much to do at the venue other than go for long walks and relax, that's exactly what we did. Zac sat in the Baby Bjorn adding 6kg+ to every step I had to take (yay for the extra calories burnt!) and Lily happily walked alongside us, entertaining us almost every step of the way. Goodness, we have honestly been blessed with one of the most gorgeous little girls in the world, full of character!
That evening we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the restaurant (lamb shank, pizza, salmon trout and hake) and had a relatively early night's sleep. With a new bed and a snoring husband, I didn't get a good night's rest and to top it off, Zac woke up at 4:30am and wasn't quite ready to go back to sleep! Luckily at 6:30am he fell into a deep sleep and slept until 8:30am which was nice for mommy to have a little doze.
After a wonderful breakfast back in the barn restaurant, we packed the car and made our way home. The weather was awfully windy, cold and overall miserable so it was lucky we had the good weather the previous day. Our drive home was quick and our first night away with our two little treasures went well. Looking forward to our next little mini adventure!
My wonderful parents joined us on our night away which always adds some more fun to the mix. We stayed in the three bedroom villa, a few stairs climb on the hill. With nothing much to do at the venue other than go for long walks and relax, that's exactly what we did. Zac sat in the Baby Bjorn adding 6kg+ to every step I had to take (yay for the extra calories burnt!) and Lily happily walked alongside us, entertaining us almost every step of the way. Goodness, we have honestly been blessed with one of the most gorgeous little girls in the world, full of character!
That evening we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the restaurant (lamb shank, pizza, salmon trout and hake) and had a relatively early night's sleep. With a new bed and a snoring husband, I didn't get a good night's rest and to top it off, Zac woke up at 4:30am and wasn't quite ready to go back to sleep! Luckily at 6:30am he fell into a deep sleep and slept until 8:30am which was nice for mommy to have a little doze.
After a wonderful breakfast back in the barn restaurant, we packed the car and made our way home. The weather was awfully windy, cold and overall miserable so it was lucky we had the good weather the previous day. Our drive home was quick and our first night away with our two little treasures went well. Looking forward to our next little mini adventure!
Looking at the chickens in the play area |
Bathing in the kitchen sink! |
Ready for our walk! |
Happy little guy! |
Monday, August 20, 2012
Love these very true words...
"Before i held you in my arms, I held you in my heart. That is where you began and where you will always be."
Not so "Terrible 2's"
So, as the saying "The Terrible 2's" goes, the 3rd year of a toddler's life is supposed to be filled with tantrums and vulgar behaviour. This is due to them testing their boundaries (and ours!) and further exploring their surroundings as a little independent individual in this world. My daughter isn't a perfect, angelic little toddler all the time, but I have to be honest in that this saying doesn't really ring true with our little Lily.
Yes, she can be determined at times and demand that her needs are met, but for the vast majority of the time, we have been extremely blessed with a well behaved, thoughtful little girl. She seems to happily grasp the concept of "one more time" and "this is the last time" and we are thankfully spared the typical toddler behaviour of screams and kicking legs. Sometimes she does shed some tears when her needs or demands aren't met, but this is definitely on the more rare occassion.
Bless, she really is such a joy and so well behaved it sometimes pulls on the heartstrings. She always says sorry after any wrong doing and doesn't like to see her mommy or daddy (or anyone for that matter) upset so she will often stop what she is doing should she see us pulling a sad face or "pretend crying".
We are still so very lucky that she loves her little brother who, naturally, has taken away some of her previously undivided attention. All she wants to do is love, hug, kiss and hold him and she isn't jealous at all when my time is preoccupied with feeding, bathing or generally taking care of him. Lily does seem to demand a little more attention from her grandparents though - she would prefer it if I was taking care of Zac so she can have their full focus!
We were out for breakfast with some friends recently who have a little boy the same age as Lily. While their little guy ran crazily out of the restaurant to explore his surroundings (being followed by exhausted parents!), our little Lily sat quietly enjoying her "coffee" (baby chino) and chit-chatting with us. Yes, she most certainly had her time when she wouldn't sit still and we were the parents running about, but for the last 3 months or so, she really does sit nicely and is an absolute joy to take out for coffees. I'm making the most out of these moments as I know very soon, Zac will be mobile and our coffee/lunch dates will be less calm yet again!
So here's to hoping our little princess continues to be the well behaved little angel she is, giving us very little trouble and just being such an absolute joy! I just smile with so much pride when I think about it. She is one truly special child xxx
Yes, she can be determined at times and demand that her needs are met, but for the vast majority of the time, we have been extremely blessed with a well behaved, thoughtful little girl. She seems to happily grasp the concept of "one more time" and "this is the last time" and we are thankfully spared the typical toddler behaviour of screams and kicking legs. Sometimes she does shed some tears when her needs or demands aren't met, but this is definitely on the more rare occassion.
Bless, she really is such a joy and so well behaved it sometimes pulls on the heartstrings. She always says sorry after any wrong doing and doesn't like to see her mommy or daddy (or anyone for that matter) upset so she will often stop what she is doing should she see us pulling a sad face or "pretend crying".
We are still so very lucky that she loves her little brother who, naturally, has taken away some of her previously undivided attention. All she wants to do is love, hug, kiss and hold him and she isn't jealous at all when my time is preoccupied with feeding, bathing or generally taking care of him. Lily does seem to demand a little more attention from her grandparents though - she would prefer it if I was taking care of Zac so she can have their full focus!
We were out for breakfast with some friends recently who have a little boy the same age as Lily. While their little guy ran crazily out of the restaurant to explore his surroundings (being followed by exhausted parents!), our little Lily sat quietly enjoying her "coffee" (baby chino) and chit-chatting with us. Yes, she most certainly had her time when she wouldn't sit still and we were the parents running about, but for the last 3 months or so, she really does sit nicely and is an absolute joy to take out for coffees. I'm making the most out of these moments as I know very soon, Zac will be mobile and our coffee/lunch dates will be less calm yet again!
So here's to hoping our little princess continues to be the well behaved little angel she is, giving us very little trouble and just being such an absolute joy! I just smile with so much pride when I think about it. She is one truly special child xxx
Friday, August 17, 2012
Another milestone
After precisely 18 weeks of sleeping right next to me in his moses basket, Zac moved into his own room and into his cot. It was bittersweet for me - "bitter" in that my baby is growing and is now big enough to be in his own bed, that little bit further away from his mommy; "bitter" in the fact that, as plans stand at this moment (and who knows, they could change), this is the last baby this mommy will have sleeping next to her in the moses basket; "bitter" that although 18 weeks sounds like a decent length of time, it doesn't seem long enough for him to be away from me...
However, it is "sweet" in that I get hubby back in my bed with me at night. I've missed him; "sweet" in that Zac is now officially connected to the monitor and breathing pad so we have peace of mind that he is sleeping peacefully; "sweet" in that things are getting back to "normal" and that we are slowly finding out little family routine.
It wasn't the best night in terms of sleep and rest. Zac woke up unexpectantly at 10h30, just as I'd fallen into a deep sleep so I raced to his room so as not to disturb Lily. He then woke up at 02h20, 04h40 and then was ready to start his day at 05h40. So I'm a little on the tired side again today. I have a feeling he is going through a growth spurt and perhaps he is needing that little extra nourishment apart from breastmilk to see him sleep through the night again... Even though this may be the case, I'm still waiting another month to introduce solids so I will just have to grin and bear the sleep deprivation. It could always be worse ;)
However, it is "sweet" in that I get hubby back in my bed with me at night. I've missed him; "sweet" in that Zac is now officially connected to the monitor and breathing pad so we have peace of mind that he is sleeping peacefully; "sweet" in that things are getting back to "normal" and that we are slowly finding out little family routine.
It wasn't the best night in terms of sleep and rest. Zac woke up unexpectantly at 10h30, just as I'd fallen into a deep sleep so I raced to his room so as not to disturb Lily. He then woke up at 02h20, 04h40 and then was ready to start his day at 05h40. So I'm a little on the tired side again today. I have a feeling he is going through a growth spurt and perhaps he is needing that little extra nourishment apart from breastmilk to see him sleep through the night again... Even though this may be the case, I'm still waiting another month to introduce solids so I will just have to grin and bear the sleep deprivation. It could always be worse ;)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
A little sleepy
Fingers crossed that last night was as a result of Zac's vaccinations and not a sudden new routine. He seemed so very restless and as a result we both didn't get much sleep last night. After a month of being spoiled by wonderful nights of sleep, I'm really feeling exhausted this afternoon!
I went to bed at a decent, albeit later night than usual for me, at 10pm. Zac then woke up at around 11:20pm and again at 1:45am. Although the later wake up call was as a result of him making a poo so the changing of the nappy and light being switched on definitely didn't help when it was time to go back to sleep! So I only got back to sleep at 3:15am (insert huge yawn here)! Just as it felt like I was drifting off into Slumber Land, he woke me up again at exactly 5am on my watch. Exhausting! Thankfully he did doze on my chest until 6am so we snuck in a little more shut eye.
All I can say is thank goodness my Lily Pie is a sleeping angel and we don't have to worry about 2 children at night. She goes down perfectly in her big bed and wakes up at around 7 every morning. Bliss! So fingers crossed as I said earlier that his restlessness was as a result of his vaccinations and that tonight will be better! It is off to bed at 8:30pm tonight for me!!!
I went to bed at a decent, albeit later night than usual for me, at 10pm. Zac then woke up at around 11:20pm and again at 1:45am. Although the later wake up call was as a result of him making a poo so the changing of the nappy and light being switched on definitely didn't help when it was time to go back to sleep! So I only got back to sleep at 3:15am (insert huge yawn here)! Just as it felt like I was drifting off into Slumber Land, he woke me up again at exactly 5am on my watch. Exhausting! Thankfully he did doze on my chest until 6am so we snuck in a little more shut eye.
All I can say is thank goodness my Lily Pie is a sleeping angel and we don't have to worry about 2 children at night. She goes down perfectly in her big bed and wakes up at around 7 every morning. Bliss! So fingers crossed as I said earlier that his restlessness was as a result of his vaccinations and that tonight will be better! It is off to bed at 8:30pm tonight for me!!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
4 months old
So our little "charmer" (as he has been called on numerous occasions) is 4 months old (17 weeks) and is growing beautifully! We had both a clinic and pediatrician appointment this morning and both went well. Zac was weighed and has officially doubled his birth weight at 6.2kg and is now 63cm tall. The little teeny tiny baba I gave birth to 4 months ago is growing far too quickly!
He also had to have 2 injections today which is always awful. My smiley happy baby lies smiling on the bed blissfully unaware of what's about to happen to him and it breaks my heart. And not only did he have one painful jab in his small thigh, but two - one in each leg! He also had to have drops which made his stomach cramp painfully last time so I'm praying it doesn't do the same again...
The paediatritian was very happy with him and says he is ready to roll over any time soon and is also very strong, lifting his head perfectly whilst on his tummy. We decided to start him on solids next month at around 5 months old like his sister was. I'm excited about that and hope he takes well to veggies like Lily.
Loving this age so much and can't wait for the next few milestones with my precious mommy's boy!
He also had to have 2 injections today which is always awful. My smiley happy baby lies smiling on the bed blissfully unaware of what's about to happen to him and it breaks my heart. And not only did he have one painful jab in his small thigh, but two - one in each leg! He also had to have drops which made his stomach cramp painfully last time so I'm praying it doesn't do the same again...
The paediatritian was very happy with him and says he is ready to roll over any time soon and is also very strong, lifting his head perfectly whilst on his tummy. We decided to start him on solids next month at around 5 months old like his sister was. I'm excited about that and hope he takes well to veggies like Lily.
Loving this age so much and can't wait for the next few milestones with my precious mommy's boy!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Big Girl Bed
I am such a very proud mommy! Our little Lily moved into her new room and "big girl bed" this weekend and she did so very well! We started her off in the new bed on Saturday afternoon for her nap, we made a big deal of it all and really tried to make it exciting.
After leaving the room (and her telling us to leave the door open), we could hear movement on the monitor. Up went DH to check on her and upon opening the door, he found the little munchkin in the middle of the room playing on the floor. So he lifted her up and put her back into her bed to nap. Again we heard movement and this time found her near the bedroom door ready to make an escape. Back into the bed she went and that was that! She slept perfectly and she has done so ever since (without getting out her bed I might add). She sleeps through and calls for us in the morning, telling us how she slept in her big bed the "whole night!"
So another milestone accomplished in my baby's journey of life. Exciting and proud moment but also another sad, cruel reminder of her quickly they grow up. No more nights in her cot or "baby bed". Now it is Zac's turn to make the big move from moses basket next to my bed to the cot in his nursery. Another bitter-sweet moment for this mommy.
After leaving the room (and her telling us to leave the door open), we could hear movement on the monitor. Up went DH to check on her and upon opening the door, he found the little munchkin in the middle of the room playing on the floor. So he lifted her up and put her back into her bed to nap. Again we heard movement and this time found her near the bedroom door ready to make an escape. Back into the bed she went and that was that! She slept perfectly and she has done so ever since (without getting out her bed I might add). She sleeps through and calls for us in the morning, telling us how she slept in her big bed the "whole night!"
So another milestone accomplished in my baby's journey of life. Exciting and proud moment but also another sad, cruel reminder of her quickly they grow up. No more nights in her cot or "baby bed". Now it is Zac's turn to make the big move from moses basket next to my bed to the cot in his nursery. Another bitter-sweet moment for this mommy.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Mr Smiley
Had I been told that Zac was going to be the contented little guy that he is now at almost 4 months old back when he was 6 weeks old, I would never have believed you. He is like a completely different child who is truly so very chilled, relaxed and best of all, full of smiles. Our little Zac truly is one happy little baby.
He giggles a lot when I pull clothing over his head as he is infectiously ticklish in the neck area. I can't help but tickle his little chest every now and then just to hear those heartmelting little baby giggles! I also subject him to little neck nuzzles and "raspberries" (blows) to get the same result and boy does he have THE softest cheecks and skin! I could kiss his little face all day long!
He is growing really nicely now too and is moving into his 3-6 month clothing and fitting nicely in his size 3 nappies. I'm looking forward to his weigh-in next week to see how much he is now weighing - I'm almost sure it must be well over 6kg by now! His eyes are still quite dark, I'm not sure what colour they're going to be, but I have a sneaky suspicion, they'll be darker than Lily's... brown perhaps like mom? His hair doesn't seem to be growing at all and he has far less of it than his sister did at this age. Strange how two siblings can be so very different in certain areas.
Zac is still sleeping very well - this mommy cannot complain at all. I'm truly blessed with a great, happy, chilled little baby boy who I love to the moon and back AND MORE! I'm thoroughly enjoying watching him grow and change into a handsome little guy :)
He giggles a lot when I pull clothing over his head as he is infectiously ticklish in the neck area. I can't help but tickle his little chest every now and then just to hear those heartmelting little baby giggles! I also subject him to little neck nuzzles and "raspberries" (blows) to get the same result and boy does he have THE softest cheecks and skin! I could kiss his little face all day long!
He is growing really nicely now too and is moving into his 3-6 month clothing and fitting nicely in his size 3 nappies. I'm looking forward to his weigh-in next week to see how much he is now weighing - I'm almost sure it must be well over 6kg by now! His eyes are still quite dark, I'm not sure what colour they're going to be, but I have a sneaky suspicion, they'll be darker than Lily's... brown perhaps like mom? His hair doesn't seem to be growing at all and he has far less of it than his sister did at this age. Strange how two siblings can be so very different in certain areas.
Zac is still sleeping very well - this mommy cannot complain at all. I'm truly blessed with a great, happy, chilled little baby boy who I love to the moon and back AND MORE! I'm thoroughly enjoying watching him grow and change into a handsome little guy :)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
A letter to my 54 year old self...
I found this entry on another blog ( and I thought it so true, honest and beautifully written. I thought it was something I'd like to remember and write down for myself in 20 years to come. Also, I think it is beautiful for my children to read one day. Such meaningful words.
Dear Me 20 Years From Now,
I wonder if you’ve become one of those women who briefly lingers around, a safe distance behind, young moms carting their babies and toddlers through the grocery store with that far-off look in your eyes. If you gently smile at the mom when she looks up and catches your glance, obviously frazzled by how challenging taking 2 kids grocery shopping is, as if to tell her it’s going to be okay. If you look at her and miss that time, want so badly to trade 5 minutes of the independence you have now that your kids are much older so that you can rest a toddler’s head on your shoulder, or buckle a baby in their car seat, mindful not to pinch any belly chub in the harness.
I have a feeling that you might be, and there are some things I want you to know, some things I’m willing you to remember.
I want you to remember that they were the hardest thing you’d ever done. They challenged you, and they kept you up at night. They pushed your buttons, and they were never, ever quiet… unless they were in trouble. I want you to remember that you loved them the hardest you’ve ever loved anything, from day one, and every day after that.
I want you to know that you were completely overwhelmed nearly all the time. The thought of taking them anywhere by yourself made you want to hide in bed all day. You were overwhelmed by the responsibility. You had NO clue what you were doing. You were overwhelmed by how much they trusted you and how much they needed you. You were overwhelmed by how much you needed and loved them.
I want you to remember how it felt to lay side by side next to your 4-year-old before he drifted off to sleep. How you talked face to face, nose to nose, about his day. How you told him you were excited to see how much he would grow by the morning, and how in the morning you’d lay in bed next to him and stretch his arms and legs out, exclaiming, “LOOK HOW MUCH YOU GREW LAST NIGHT!” How that put the biggest smile on his face.
I want you to remember what it felt like to hold your 18 month old on your lap, wrapping your arms around her and laying them on her bulging tummy. How the back of her head and the handful of baby curls at the nape of her neck felt and smelled when you rested your head atop hers.
I want you to know that you were acutely aware of how fast they were growing. Even though many days would pass in the blink of an eye, there would always be a moment when your world would snap to a halt, and you would look at them while they were doing something mundane and normal, and you would be painfully conscious that they were no longer the size they were last week, and that they would never be the size they are at that moment again.
I want you to know that you went to bed every night with one simple wish for the next day. To just do better.
Even though you were tired and challenged, exasperated and overwhelmed, you knew then that you would miss these days…most of them, at least. It was a truth that was hard to live with, and most of the time you ignored it because there was nothing you could do about the passing of time. If you spent your days mourning the ones that had gone by, you’d miss out on the days you were living in.
You knew you were on a light rail, moving at speeds you couldn’t comprehend. You had no control over the ride that brought you to where you are today, but believe me when I say you searched so very hard to find the emergency brake.
Please know, please remember that you tried to savor that time. Be at peace, knowing you spent late afternoons curled up with them on the couch, that sometimes you just sat and watched them move and run, that occasionally you took inventory of all the things they’d learned in the last week, and that you appreciated your time with them the best you knew how. Know that despite your very best efforts, there was no way to freeze time.
I promise you, you tried.
Dear Me 20 Years From Now,
I wonder if you’ve become one of those women who briefly lingers around, a safe distance behind, young moms carting their babies and toddlers through the grocery store with that far-off look in your eyes. If you gently smile at the mom when she looks up and catches your glance, obviously frazzled by how challenging taking 2 kids grocery shopping is, as if to tell her it’s going to be okay. If you look at her and miss that time, want so badly to trade 5 minutes of the independence you have now that your kids are much older so that you can rest a toddler’s head on your shoulder, or buckle a baby in their car seat, mindful not to pinch any belly chub in the harness.
I have a feeling that you might be, and there are some things I want you to know, some things I’m willing you to remember.
I want you to remember that they were the hardest thing you’d ever done. They challenged you, and they kept you up at night. They pushed your buttons, and they were never, ever quiet… unless they were in trouble. I want you to remember that you loved them the hardest you’ve ever loved anything, from day one, and every day after that.
I want you to know that you were completely overwhelmed nearly all the time. The thought of taking them anywhere by yourself made you want to hide in bed all day. You were overwhelmed by the responsibility. You had NO clue what you were doing. You were overwhelmed by how much they trusted you and how much they needed you. You were overwhelmed by how much you needed and loved them.
I want you to remember how it felt to lay side by side next to your 4-year-old before he drifted off to sleep. How you talked face to face, nose to nose, about his day. How you told him you were excited to see how much he would grow by the morning, and how in the morning you’d lay in bed next to him and stretch his arms and legs out, exclaiming, “LOOK HOW MUCH YOU GREW LAST NIGHT!” How that put the biggest smile on his face.
I want you to remember what it felt like to hold your 18 month old on your lap, wrapping your arms around her and laying them on her bulging tummy. How the back of her head and the handful of baby curls at the nape of her neck felt and smelled when you rested your head atop hers.
I want you to know that you were acutely aware of how fast they were growing. Even though many days would pass in the blink of an eye, there would always be a moment when your world would snap to a halt, and you would look at them while they were doing something mundane and normal, and you would be painfully conscious that they were no longer the size they were last week, and that they would never be the size they are at that moment again.
I want you to know that you went to bed every night with one simple wish for the next day. To just do better.
Even though you were tired and challenged, exasperated and overwhelmed, you knew then that you would miss these days…most of them, at least. It was a truth that was hard to live with, and most of the time you ignored it because there was nothing you could do about the passing of time. If you spent your days mourning the ones that had gone by, you’d miss out on the days you were living in.
You knew you were on a light rail, moving at speeds you couldn’t comprehend. You had no control over the ride that brought you to where you are today, but believe me when I say you searched so very hard to find the emergency brake.
Please know, please remember that you tried to savor that time. Be at peace, knowing you spent late afternoons curled up with them on the couch, that sometimes you just sat and watched them move and run, that occasionally you took inventory of all the things they’d learned in the last week, and that you appreciated your time with them the best you knew how. Know that despite your very best efforts, there was no way to freeze time.
I promise you, you tried.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
All is quiet...
It isn't often that I get some time off just for myself, but every now and then I get a rare moment when all is quiet and both babies are sleeping at the same time! So right now, I'm taking this precious time to do a little update and relish in this rarity of "Mel Time".
Slowly we are settling into more of a routine. Lily's sleep is still great with her going down at 7:30pm or thereabouts and waking up around 7am. We did have a little rough patch but I'm 100% sure it is down to teething as she is sprouting teeth left, right and center. My poor little angel got her first 2 teeth at 12 months and then nothing until 17 months when she got a few more and then nothing again until 25 months. So the eye teeth are trying to push through as well as a few bottom and top teeth. It must be painful hence the few rough nights, but thanks to my best friends Aterax and Voltaran suppositories, all of us slept through the anguish of it all.
As mentioned in my previous posting a few days ago, Zac's sleep patterns are also settling down and we are enjoying only one feed at night. I am feeling a whole lot more human these last few days!
Lily is such a little sweetheart and a truly good munchkin. Her manners are impecable, full of "please" and "thank you's" and even "I'm sorry's" bless her. She continues to amaze us with her flawless memory, her rapid grasp of new things and her unbelievable curiosity. She brings such bright smiles and so much joy to our lives, as does her brother with his infectious open mouthed smiles and cute little coo's and aah's. We are so very blessed with our two little munchkins and couldn't be happier!
My munchkins:
Slowly we are settling into more of a routine. Lily's sleep is still great with her going down at 7:30pm or thereabouts and waking up around 7am. We did have a little rough patch but I'm 100% sure it is down to teething as she is sprouting teeth left, right and center. My poor little angel got her first 2 teeth at 12 months and then nothing until 17 months when she got a few more and then nothing again until 25 months. So the eye teeth are trying to push through as well as a few bottom and top teeth. It must be painful hence the few rough nights, but thanks to my best friends Aterax and Voltaran suppositories, all of us slept through the anguish of it all.
As mentioned in my previous posting a few days ago, Zac's sleep patterns are also settling down and we are enjoying only one feed at night. I am feeling a whole lot more human these last few days!
Lily is such a little sweetheart and a truly good munchkin. Her manners are impecable, full of "please" and "thank you's" and even "I'm sorry's" bless her. She continues to amaze us with her flawless memory, her rapid grasp of new things and her unbelievable curiosity. She brings such bright smiles and so much joy to our lives, as does her brother with his infectious open mouthed smiles and cute little coo's and aah's. We are so very blessed with our two little munchkins and couldn't be happier!
My munchkins:
Thursday, July 12, 2012
3 months old
On one hand, I can't believe that my little baby is 3 months old today, but on the other hand, due to the troubles we experienced in the early days (undiagnosed reflux and the horrendous RSV Virus), it doesn't seem like time has gone all that quickly. But now our little Zac isn't so little any more and boy is he a smiley, happy baby! A completely different child to the one who was plagued by painful reflux and subjected to tests and hospitalisations for the first 6 weeks of life.
Zac is growing so quickly. We went for his 12 week vaccination today (poor baby) and he has had quite the growth spurt. He has gained 1kg in 4 weeks and is now 60cm in length! He is in both size 2 and 3 nappies (finishing off our last pack of size 2's) and is fitting snugly in his size 1-3 months clothing. It is so sad when you have to start packing clothing away because it no longer fits - a constant reminder to enjoy and savour all the precious moments as they grow up so incredibly quickly!
Thanks to Losec for his reflux, we no longer have a moany baby, but instead we are greeted with smiles, chuckles and baby coo's. He really is a content and happy little man. His sleeping is improving too with him waking once during the night on most nights now with only a few rough nights in between. Hopefully this sleep routine stays put and only gets better from here. He is still in his Moses basket next to my bed. We are looking to move him into the nursery at the end of the month...
And my word does he have long eyelashes! As everyone comments, he has beautiful big eyes and a slight hint of a flirter's dimple as well. Turning into such a handsome little guy!
So all-in-all, things are going well and as time goes on, we are getting to know and love our little boy more and more. I often find myself staring at him in awe at his pure perfection - I am so truly blessed and love him more than I can describe!
Zac is growing so quickly. We went for his 12 week vaccination today (poor baby) and he has had quite the growth spurt. He has gained 1kg in 4 weeks and is now 60cm in length! He is in both size 2 and 3 nappies (finishing off our last pack of size 2's) and is fitting snugly in his size 1-3 months clothing. It is so sad when you have to start packing clothing away because it no longer fits - a constant reminder to enjoy and savour all the precious moments as they grow up so incredibly quickly!
Thanks to Losec for his reflux, we no longer have a moany baby, but instead we are greeted with smiles, chuckles and baby coo's. He really is a content and happy little man. His sleeping is improving too with him waking once during the night on most nights now with only a few rough nights in between. Hopefully this sleep routine stays put and only gets better from here. He is still in his Moses basket next to my bed. We are looking to move him into the nursery at the end of the month...
And my word does he have long eyelashes! As everyone comments, he has beautiful big eyes and a slight hint of a flirter's dimple as well. Turning into such a handsome little guy!
So all-in-all, things are going well and as time goes on, we are getting to know and love our little boy more and more. I often find myself staring at him in awe at his pure perfection - I am so truly blessed and love him more than I can describe!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Oh so tired...
I suppose I was spoiled when it came to Lily... She was the exception to the rule, the definite minority in that she slept through from 8 weeks old. Her routine was rigid in that she went to sleep at 6pm and woke up at 6am. I was the envy of all other moms who probably, in hindsight, thought I was lying and trying to make out like I had the perfect little baby. Well, I wasn't lying and yes, I did have the perfect little sleeper from 8 weeks old until around 18 weeks. For those 10 weeks I was truly blessed and was secretly hoping Zac would allow me the same spoils...
Well, I was wrong and in for a shock. Due to no fault of his own, Zac has been the complete opposite in terms of sleeping. He seems to have wonderful day sleep stretches and can barely manage a 3 hour stretch at a time at night. I'm not sure whether this is due to his reflux or not, but I'm surviving on minimal sleep. I'm totally convinced that sleep deprivation is one of the world's worst tortures imaginable - you feel lethargic, achy and not quite yourself. Hubby has been hinting at getting me another night nurse for an evening which I've been reluctant to do, but after yet another terrible night last night, the idea is starting to warm on me. Now just to get Zac used to the bottle - something he has been fighting of late.
His sleep patterns seem to see him going down at around 7pm until around 11pm - his longest stretch for the night. He then goes down after about half an hour for about 2 hours waking up at around 1:30am and then the worst, he seems to wake or stir every hour! The only way I can get him to stretch a little further to perhaps 1.5 or 2 hours is to have him sleeping on my chest. Not the most comfortable for me, but at least I do get some sleep...
So as I type this, my whole family is having an afternoon nap, but I know Zac is due to wake up at any moment and the worst feeling is having just nodded off into a deep sleep only to be woken up, so I'm trying to stay awake. Murphy's Law will have it that Zac will decide to have a nice long nap this afternoon and I could have actually had a bit of splendid shut eye. Never mind, perhaps tonight will be a different scenario from the last few nights. I can only hope and pray!
Well, I was wrong and in for a shock. Due to no fault of his own, Zac has been the complete opposite in terms of sleeping. He seems to have wonderful day sleep stretches and can barely manage a 3 hour stretch at a time at night. I'm not sure whether this is due to his reflux or not, but I'm surviving on minimal sleep. I'm totally convinced that sleep deprivation is one of the world's worst tortures imaginable - you feel lethargic, achy and not quite yourself. Hubby has been hinting at getting me another night nurse for an evening which I've been reluctant to do, but after yet another terrible night last night, the idea is starting to warm on me. Now just to get Zac used to the bottle - something he has been fighting of late.
His sleep patterns seem to see him going down at around 7pm until around 11pm - his longest stretch for the night. He then goes down after about half an hour for about 2 hours waking up at around 1:30am and then the worst, he seems to wake or stir every hour! The only way I can get him to stretch a little further to perhaps 1.5 or 2 hours is to have him sleeping on my chest. Not the most comfortable for me, but at least I do get some sleep...
So as I type this, my whole family is having an afternoon nap, but I know Zac is due to wake up at any moment and the worst feeling is having just nodded off into a deep sleep only to be woken up, so I'm trying to stay awake. Murphy's Law will have it that Zac will decide to have a nice long nap this afternoon and I could have actually had a bit of splendid shut eye. Never mind, perhaps tonight will be a different scenario from the last few nights. I can only hope and pray!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Paying dues
Due to work commitments and trying to build up his own business, my hubby has never been the most hands on of dads in the world. He has other great, fantastic and admirable qualities, but being overly hands on with helping around the house and with Lily, was not one of them... Well, that was the case before Zac's arrival.
I have to pay his dues and make mention of how incredibly proud I am of him. He has really and truly risen to the occassion and proven to be an exceptional father. I've noticed how the bond between dad and daughter has flourished, especially during the time when I couldn't be at home - when I was in hospital having Zac and then of course over the last few weeks being in and out of doctor's rooms and hospital with him as well. Lily's face just lights up when her dad gets home from work and I can see that dad's face lights up just as much too. Such a truly heart warming thing to watch.
Hubby has also been exceptional in doing the grocery shopping and preparing dinner every night. Wow, I'm truly lucky! With sick kids, I haven't had much time to get to the shops and with Zac's reflux and resulting 5pm meltdowns, I've had my hands full. So to have him help out so much has really been a blessing. And to top it off, he now helps with Lily's dinner, does Lily's bath times all on his own accord and then offers to read her her bed time stories if I am busy with Zac.
So this is a post to thank my incredible husband for doing so exceptionally well. You have been thrown into the deep end a little yet you've kept your head above water and are doing brilliantly. It alleviates a lot of stress and worries in my maternal department so I'm forever grateful. Watching you with our children makes my heart want to burst - you are an incredible father and we are all so very lucky to have you xxx
I have to pay his dues and make mention of how incredibly proud I am of him. He has really and truly risen to the occassion and proven to be an exceptional father. I've noticed how the bond between dad and daughter has flourished, especially during the time when I couldn't be at home - when I was in hospital having Zac and then of course over the last few weeks being in and out of doctor's rooms and hospital with him as well. Lily's face just lights up when her dad gets home from work and I can see that dad's face lights up just as much too. Such a truly heart warming thing to watch.
Hubby has also been exceptional in doing the grocery shopping and preparing dinner every night. Wow, I'm truly lucky! With sick kids, I haven't had much time to get to the shops and with Zac's reflux and resulting 5pm meltdowns, I've had my hands full. So to have him help out so much has really been a blessing. And to top it off, he now helps with Lily's dinner, does Lily's bath times all on his own accord and then offers to read her her bed time stories if I am busy with Zac.
So this is a post to thank my incredible husband for doing so exceptionally well. You have been thrown into the deep end a little yet you've kept your head above water and are doing brilliantly. It alleviates a lot of stress and worries in my maternal department so I'm forever grateful. Watching you with our children makes my heart want to burst - you are an incredible father and we are all so very lucky to have you xxx
2 months old
Our precious little baby is 2 months old today. Yet again, I cannot believe that he has already been in our lives for 2 months... It seems just like the other day I was in the hospital waiting anxiously to meet him, yet on the other hand, I can't picture our lives without him.
As of 5 days ago, Zac was weighing a healthy 4.5kg. Even though he was sick and didn't gain weight for 2 weeks, he is still looking healthy and definitely not on the skinny side. His little legs and bum have definitely grown some additional padding and aren't as skinny as they were when he was born. His size 1 nappies are getting more and more snug, but I'm determined to finish the last few I have lying around before moving onto size 2's. I think he is quite a tall baby as his clothes are definitely more fitting in length than width and sadly, I had to pack away all his newborn items over the weekend. He is now definitely size 1-3 months even though the arms are still a little too long.
It would appear that Zac has definitely "turned the corner" from crying, moaning, niggly baby to content, happy, smiley baby. I don't want to hold my breath but for the last 4 days, he has definitely been a changed little baba and much less work for mommy. I can focus on Lily while leaving him to sit in his little rocking chair or he happily sits on Ritah's back while I get dressed and get ready for the day. When I hold him now I can enjoy his little smiles, his gorgeous little face and stare into his big, beautilful eyes. My word does he have long, thick eyelashes for such a small little person!
Zac, you're my little prince and I love you more than words can ever express. You complete our little family perfectly and I look forward to watching you grow into the precious little person I know you're going to become (and already are). xxx
As of 5 days ago, Zac was weighing a healthy 4.5kg. Even though he was sick and didn't gain weight for 2 weeks, he is still looking healthy and definitely not on the skinny side. His little legs and bum have definitely grown some additional padding and aren't as skinny as they were when he was born. His size 1 nappies are getting more and more snug, but I'm determined to finish the last few I have lying around before moving onto size 2's. I think he is quite a tall baby as his clothes are definitely more fitting in length than width and sadly, I had to pack away all his newborn items over the weekend. He is now definitely size 1-3 months even though the arms are still a little too long.
It would appear that Zac has definitely "turned the corner" from crying, moaning, niggly baby to content, happy, smiley baby. I don't want to hold my breath but for the last 4 days, he has definitely been a changed little baba and much less work for mommy. I can focus on Lily while leaving him to sit in his little rocking chair or he happily sits on Ritah's back while I get dressed and get ready for the day. When I hold him now I can enjoy his little smiles, his gorgeous little face and stare into his big, beautilful eyes. My word does he have long, thick eyelashes for such a small little person!
Zac, you're my little prince and I love you more than words can ever express. You complete our little family perfectly and I look forward to watching you grow into the precious little person I know you're going to become (and already are). xxx
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Life in the Aufrichtig Home
Thankfully the kids are both well and truly on the mend and the dark, emotional, challenging and overall horrendous last 3 weeks seem to be a thing of the past (for which I am eternally grateful!). I wouldn't wish those 3 weeks on my worst enemy and hope to never have to go through a similar ordeal in the future.
Thanks to Losec and Infant Buscopan, Zac is a much happier little baba. He is smiling beautifully and will sit quite contently in his little rocking chair while he lets mommy deal with his sister, prepare meals or get dressed - something she couldn't do quite so easily as of a few days ago. He truly is just a cutie pie and gets more beautiful by the day. His eyelashes are an absolute phenomenon - so extremely long and gorgeous! I was actually looking at his newborn photographs a few minutes ago and already I can see how he is changing from a scrunched up, wrinkly little baby into a beautiful little boy.
Due to the extensive sleep deprivation of the last 3 weeks, I finally relented and listened to hubby for us to hire a night nurse for a night. I have to admit I secretly shed some tears when I got into bed - it just didn't feel right for me not to have Zac right next to my side of the bed. It didn't feel natural to have someone else taking care of him at all. However, having said all that and having experienced extreme guilt, I did manage to get a few hours of sleep in and felt all the more better for having done so and ultimately, I will be healthier too which allows me to be a better mother. Hubby has asked if I am going to get another night nurse next week, but I've declined. I will only make use of their services when I'm truly sleep deprived. It just didn't sit well with me knowing someone else was taking care of my precious little angel.
Lily is the cutest little thing on this planet. Her little antics and characteristics provide copious amounts of entertainment. Not one day goes by without me having a little chuckle to myself or just staring at her in pure amazement. Such a perfect little being that I created... How is it actually possible?!
However, as cute as she is, she is going through an awfully difficult phase when we try to get her dressed in the morning. The resistance is phenomenal! She performs like crazy, kicking and screaming throughout the entire ordeal. It is truly exhausting. The whole exercise of getting her dressed can take up to half an hour and ultimately ends up in her being reprimanded over and over again and her coughing, snotting and hoarse. Eventually we do obviously win, but she is quite traumatised by the whole event. I hope this phase isn't going to last too long as it is truly trying, frustrating and exhausting to say the least! Luckily for Lily I have more patience than her father...
I still haven't ventured out of the house, besides from the hospital and doctor visits, for the last 5 weeks! I have incredible cabin fever to say the least. I am still quite overwhelmed by the thought of having to go out with both kids on my own so in the mean time, when we do eventually get out and about (when I'm 110% sure both kids are well and truly 110% healthy again), I will take Ritah along. I don't know how people with kids my age actually do it. You need 4 arms, eyes at the back of your head and exceptionally fast reaction timing. But time flies - I actually can't believe that Zac will be 2 months old in 2 days time already - so I'm sure in no time, I will be the Super Woman I believe I can be and I will be out and about solo with both little angel pies :)
Thanks to Losec and Infant Buscopan, Zac is a much happier little baba. He is smiling beautifully and will sit quite contently in his little rocking chair while he lets mommy deal with his sister, prepare meals or get dressed - something she couldn't do quite so easily as of a few days ago. He truly is just a cutie pie and gets more beautiful by the day. His eyelashes are an absolute phenomenon - so extremely long and gorgeous! I was actually looking at his newborn photographs a few minutes ago and already I can see how he is changing from a scrunched up, wrinkly little baby into a beautiful little boy.
Due to the extensive sleep deprivation of the last 3 weeks, I finally relented and listened to hubby for us to hire a night nurse for a night. I have to admit I secretly shed some tears when I got into bed - it just didn't feel right for me not to have Zac right next to my side of the bed. It didn't feel natural to have someone else taking care of him at all. However, having said all that and having experienced extreme guilt, I did manage to get a few hours of sleep in and felt all the more better for having done so and ultimately, I will be healthier too which allows me to be a better mother. Hubby has asked if I am going to get another night nurse next week, but I've declined. I will only make use of their services when I'm truly sleep deprived. It just didn't sit well with me knowing someone else was taking care of my precious little angel.
Lily is the cutest little thing on this planet. Her little antics and characteristics provide copious amounts of entertainment. Not one day goes by without me having a little chuckle to myself or just staring at her in pure amazement. Such a perfect little being that I created... How is it actually possible?!
However, as cute as she is, she is going through an awfully difficult phase when we try to get her dressed in the morning. The resistance is phenomenal! She performs like crazy, kicking and screaming throughout the entire ordeal. It is truly exhausting. The whole exercise of getting her dressed can take up to half an hour and ultimately ends up in her being reprimanded over and over again and her coughing, snotting and hoarse. Eventually we do obviously win, but she is quite traumatised by the whole event. I hope this phase isn't going to last too long as it is truly trying, frustrating and exhausting to say the least! Luckily for Lily I have more patience than her father...
I still haven't ventured out of the house, besides from the hospital and doctor visits, for the last 5 weeks! I have incredible cabin fever to say the least. I am still quite overwhelmed by the thought of having to go out with both kids on my own so in the mean time, when we do eventually get out and about (when I'm 110% sure both kids are well and truly 110% healthy again), I will take Ritah along. I don't know how people with kids my age actually do it. You need 4 arms, eyes at the back of your head and exceptionally fast reaction timing. But time flies - I actually can't believe that Zac will be 2 months old in 2 days time already - so I'm sure in no time, I will be the Super Woman I believe I can be and I will be out and about solo with both little angel pies :)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Before I forget and the cute little pronunciations Lily makes escapes me, I thought I must document them as they are so worth remembering!
I call these "Lily-isms":
* Popcorn - poppicorn
* Octopus - opipiss
* Fingers - fingins
* Grandpa - boka
* This way - ziss way
* Elephant - enfant
There are more but I just can't think of them now. I will try to document more of them as they arise. Too precious for words! Oh and Lily can sing the alphabet (24 months old) - something neither hubby nor I taught her. We think she learnt from one of her iPad apps all on her own. Clever little monkey!
I call these "Lily-isms":
* Popcorn - poppicorn
* Octopus - opipiss
* Fingers - fingins
* Grandpa - boka
* This way - ziss way
* Elephant - enfant
There are more but I just can't think of them now. I will try to document more of them as they arise. Too precious for words! Oh and Lily can sing the alphabet (24 months old) - something neither hubby nor I taught her. We think she learnt from one of her iPad apps all on her own. Clever little monkey!
Little did I know...
Little did I know that things were not going to get easier... Since my last post, Zac has been admitted into hospital another two times. The first time was for a continued chest infection and now, as I type this from his hospital room, he has been diagnosed with Croup. The second admission saw us spending Thursday night here only to be discharged the next day. Then on Saturday night, he sounded very chesty and hoarse so we were admitted yet again!
We have so far spent Saturday night here as well as tonight. Not sure when we will be going home, but my thinking is just to stay admitted until Zac is MUCH healthier - I honestly do not feel like being admitted again!
During our second admission 3 days ago, our doctor decided it was time to do some testing. Poor little guy, at only 7 weeks old, had to have bloods withdrawn from his tiny hands as well as a chest x-ray and a barium meal to test for reflux. Thankfully the blood works came back normal for everything. However, the barium showed that he has quite severe reflux and actually has it in several places. My poor angel has had indigestion and heartburn type symptoms for weeks now! Thankfully Losec seems to be providing the answer and he doesn't cramp and pull up his little legs after his feeds any more.
Then to add to it all, on admission this time, the doctor found that he has a middle ear infection which is rather painful, hence the crying and niggles. Apparently they liken an ear infection to toothache - PAINFUL! Again, my poor little boy. I wish with all my heart that I could endure the pain and discomfort for him. It isn't fair. He is still so very new and has had to endure being prodded, poked, smacked (physio) and fiddled with.
I honestly hope and pray that this is the last of all of this so we can go home and get into a routine as a family of 4. I so want to enjoy my little guy as even though he is enduring more than a baby ever should, he still smiles and even gave us his first giggle at 6 weeks old! Such a cutie pie who is growing into such a handsome little fellow. Please may this be the LAST post about my sick children and in future I will only have happier child related posts to write :)
We have so far spent Saturday night here as well as tonight. Not sure when we will be going home, but my thinking is just to stay admitted until Zac is MUCH healthier - I honestly do not feel like being admitted again!
During our second admission 3 days ago, our doctor decided it was time to do some testing. Poor little guy, at only 7 weeks old, had to have bloods withdrawn from his tiny hands as well as a chest x-ray and a barium meal to test for reflux. Thankfully the blood works came back normal for everything. However, the barium showed that he has quite severe reflux and actually has it in several places. My poor angel has had indigestion and heartburn type symptoms for weeks now! Thankfully Losec seems to be providing the answer and he doesn't cramp and pull up his little legs after his feeds any more.
Then to add to it all, on admission this time, the doctor found that he has a middle ear infection which is rather painful, hence the crying and niggles. Apparently they liken an ear infection to toothache - PAINFUL! Again, my poor little boy. I wish with all my heart that I could endure the pain and discomfort for him. It isn't fair. He is still so very new and has had to endure being prodded, poked, smacked (physio) and fiddled with.
I honestly hope and pray that this is the last of all of this so we can go home and get into a routine as a family of 4. I so want to enjoy my little guy as even though he is enduring more than a baby ever should, he still smiles and even gave us his first giggle at 6 weeks old! Such a cutie pie who is growing into such a handsome little fellow. Please may this be the LAST post about my sick children and in future I will only have happier child related posts to write :)
Monday, May 28, 2012
The worst time ever!
After my previous post, I couldn't begin to imagine how absolutely horrendous our situation would become. Little did I know that the situation we were in last week, was nothing in comparison to what was about to hit us...
First of all, I had my Mastitis which I spoke about in my last post, then Lily's Viral Infection developed into Croup! Croup is absolutely horrible! It sounds like your child cannot breath and they sound so incredibly ill. Croup obviously meant a very sick and miserable child as well as interrupted nights for us as Lily's sleep was continuously disrupted by bouts of coughing fits. Then, a few days later, after I had completed my course of antibiotics, Mastitis hit again! This time in both breasts accompanied by shakes, shivers, migraine and pain. Thank goodness for Mybulin which is a painkiller you can take while breastfeeding and it removes all those nasty symptoms so I can function as a mother and look after my children.
THEN... the day after my Mastitis diagnosis, Zac started to sound ill. After a paediatrician visit, it turns out he had caught the RSV Virus (Bronchiolitis) and had to be hospitalised as he is still so very new and tiny. I was in tears. What more could possibly go wrong! So Zac and I were admitted into hospital on Thursday morning and spent 3 days and 2 nights there. Hospitals are awful - you get absolutely no rest and my poor little innocent baby was subjected to a drip in his tiny hand, physiotherapy to remove the mucous in his nose and chest (horrible tubes and suctioning) and a nebulizer which he hated every 4 hours. I was so relieved to be released on Saturday I have to say!
Then on Saturday night Zac screamed and screamed. He was in so much pain from all the coughing that his poor little body was doing. Eventually after about 4 hours of continuous screaming, we drove him to casualty only for him to pass out from exhaustion in the car. So we turned around and brought him home where he slept for a full 6 hour stretch. Yesterday he thankfully sounded much better and slept for most of the day - something he did hardly anything of the day before. Although he is still coughing, he definitely sounds like he is on the mend. We can expect coughing for the next week or two though as the RSV Virus is not a nice one to get and really attacks the little system. My poor angel.
Last night, just when we thought the light at the end of the tunnel was appearing, Lily woke up screaming! After watching her gestures we realised that she could possibly have a middle ear infection due to the Croup she has had as she kept on pulling at her left ear. We administered some meds and she went to sleep and didn't disturb again during the night. I am watching her this morning and the paed said should her temperature spike or should she show any signs of discomfort again, we are to bring her in.
I honestly feel like setting up camp in the doctor's rooms we have been there so often. We have spent over R6,000 in the last week and a half on medical bills and that excludes the hospital stay which thankfully medical aid will cover. I don't wish what we have been through on my worst enemy. It has been a very trying, exhausting and emotionally draining week and half. I suppose it can only get better from here!
First of all, I had my Mastitis which I spoke about in my last post, then Lily's Viral Infection developed into Croup! Croup is absolutely horrible! It sounds like your child cannot breath and they sound so incredibly ill. Croup obviously meant a very sick and miserable child as well as interrupted nights for us as Lily's sleep was continuously disrupted by bouts of coughing fits. Then, a few days later, after I had completed my course of antibiotics, Mastitis hit again! This time in both breasts accompanied by shakes, shivers, migraine and pain. Thank goodness for Mybulin which is a painkiller you can take while breastfeeding and it removes all those nasty symptoms so I can function as a mother and look after my children.
THEN... the day after my Mastitis diagnosis, Zac started to sound ill. After a paediatrician visit, it turns out he had caught the RSV Virus (Bronchiolitis) and had to be hospitalised as he is still so very new and tiny. I was in tears. What more could possibly go wrong! So Zac and I were admitted into hospital on Thursday morning and spent 3 days and 2 nights there. Hospitals are awful - you get absolutely no rest and my poor little innocent baby was subjected to a drip in his tiny hand, physiotherapy to remove the mucous in his nose and chest (horrible tubes and suctioning) and a nebulizer which he hated every 4 hours. I was so relieved to be released on Saturday I have to say!
Then on Saturday night Zac screamed and screamed. He was in so much pain from all the coughing that his poor little body was doing. Eventually after about 4 hours of continuous screaming, we drove him to casualty only for him to pass out from exhaustion in the car. So we turned around and brought him home where he slept for a full 6 hour stretch. Yesterday he thankfully sounded much better and slept for most of the day - something he did hardly anything of the day before. Although he is still coughing, he definitely sounds like he is on the mend. We can expect coughing for the next week or two though as the RSV Virus is not a nice one to get and really attacks the little system. My poor angel.
Last night, just when we thought the light at the end of the tunnel was appearing, Lily woke up screaming! After watching her gestures we realised that she could possibly have a middle ear infection due to the Croup she has had as she kept on pulling at her left ear. We administered some meds and she went to sleep and didn't disturb again during the night. I am watching her this morning and the paed said should her temperature spike or should she show any signs of discomfort again, we are to bring her in.
I honestly feel like setting up camp in the doctor's rooms we have been there so often. We have spent over R6,000 in the last week and a half on medical bills and that excludes the hospital stay which thankfully medical aid will cover. I don't wish what we have been through on my worst enemy. It has been a very trying, exhausting and emotionally draining week and half. I suppose it can only get better from here!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Rough week
I am exceptionally pleased to see the end of this last week - it was extremely rough and all I can say is thank goodness I have my mom here to help. Murphy's Law when everything came to a head, hubby was away for the night so what I would have done without my mom, I have no idea!
In the early hours of Wednesday morning I woke up with shivers and shakes aka a fever. My left breast was incredibly sore and I knew straight away that I must have Mastitis. I developed an excrutiatingly painful migraine and felt like death warmed up to say the least. I have a relatively high pain threshold so didn't find the breast unbearably painful, but the migraine and fever just left me wanting my bed which, with 2 babies, isn't a possibility! Thank goodness the doctor prescribed an antibiotic which cured the condition in 24 hours, but those 24 hours weren't easy!
While this was all happening, Lily woke up in the night vomiting! So of course as a mom, you forget your woes and go to the aid of your sick child. Lily had a fever and would continue to fight high temperatures for 48 hours! I'm still actually watching her now to see if the fevers are going to return... After having rushed her to the ER on Thursday night at 10pm, the doctor confirmed she has a viral infection which would have to work its way out her system as there is no medication that would help.
Being sick while having to look after your kids is one of the hardest things to endure. Quite honestly, you just cannot afford to be sick and when you are, you just have to "man up" and ignore how awful you feel! In short, moms aren't allowed to get sick! Thank goodness this week is almost over and here's to a healthy and happy family again :)
In the early hours of Wednesday morning I woke up with shivers and shakes aka a fever. My left breast was incredibly sore and I knew straight away that I must have Mastitis. I developed an excrutiatingly painful migraine and felt like death warmed up to say the least. I have a relatively high pain threshold so didn't find the breast unbearably painful, but the migraine and fever just left me wanting my bed which, with 2 babies, isn't a possibility! Thank goodness the doctor prescribed an antibiotic which cured the condition in 24 hours, but those 24 hours weren't easy!
While this was all happening, Lily woke up in the night vomiting! So of course as a mom, you forget your woes and go to the aid of your sick child. Lily had a fever and would continue to fight high temperatures for 48 hours! I'm still actually watching her now to see if the fevers are going to return... After having rushed her to the ER on Thursday night at 10pm, the doctor confirmed she has a viral infection which would have to work its way out her system as there is no medication that would help.
Being sick while having to look after your kids is one of the hardest things to endure. Quite honestly, you just cannot afford to be sick and when you are, you just have to "man up" and ignore how awful you feel! In short, moms aren't allowed to get sick! Thank goodness this week is almost over and here's to a healthy and happy family again :)
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Being a mom
Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body..
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom
I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body..
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom
I am very hesitant to even consider it or to verbalise it too often for fear of it turning to a definite reality, but I think my little Zac has Colic. I'm desperately hoping and praying that this is not the case and that my darling little boy is only suffering from an inexperienced digestive system which will rectify itself sooner rather than later. Having had it relatively easy with Lily, I was not prepared for what I've been faced with over the last week or so...
Due to the abdominal discomfort that Zac is experiencing (whatever the cause), he has had me rocking him, shushing him, massaging him, trying to burp him, feeding him more than necessary... Doing absolutely everything I can think of to stop his constant moaning and crying. Out of pure frustration a few nights ago, I actually asked my hubby (who has been sleeping downstairs in the spare room since Zac's arrival) to please help me! Nothing I seem to do aleviates his pain and therefore the crying. It is physically and emotionally draining and I'm exceptionally emotional about the fact that I don't have many moments to bond with my son. He is far too niggly for me to actually find peaceful moments where I can just gaze into his little eyes and get to know him... I'm literally tearing up as I type this as I know how incredibly quickly they grow up and I'm losing precious moments.
Having said that though, I do know that this will pass. However, in the meantime, I am torn. I'm torn between consoling my newborn baby and then giving my little Lily Pie attention. Zac's discomfort seems to take priority which once again, pulls at my heartstrings and "Mother's Guilt" sets in. I have, out of desperation, tried numerous "colic" remedies, something I would never have thought I'd do as I'm very against drugs and non-natural interventions with a baby so young. I don't want to continue on this road so I'm currently looking at going to a homeopath as well as possibly buying a baby rocker which I believe often helps settle the poor little things. I'm hoping that something works and soon!
In the past when moms would say the first 6 weeks of a baby's life are the most difficult, I would think to myself that it honestly isn't that bad. Well... it clearly depends on the type of baby you have! When I had Lily, she was easy. I could lay her down and she would easily self-soothe. She was also a brilliant "burper" and didn't struggle with winds too badly. Zac on the other hand isn't as easily settled and I seem to have him in my arms constantly. I have now resorted to having our domestic worker put him on her back in the mornings so Lily and I can get dressed. Thankfully he seems to enjoy it and does fall asleep.
So even though I'm feeling incredibly drained and anxious with the current situation, I'm still thoroughly enjoying getting to know little Zac better and LOVE seeing how fond Lily is of him. She constantly wants to hold or kiss him which I'm just so grateful for. The last thing I need right now is a jealous toddler especially while Zac is so needy. So, slowly, we are getting more and more used to our little family of 4 and hopefully the next update on little Zac will be more positive and he will have outgrown his discomfort.
PS. On a brighter note, Zac gave me his first smile at 3 weeks old and confirmed it with another smile last night, one day before he turned 4 weeks :)
Due to the abdominal discomfort that Zac is experiencing (whatever the cause), he has had me rocking him, shushing him, massaging him, trying to burp him, feeding him more than necessary... Doing absolutely everything I can think of to stop his constant moaning and crying. Out of pure frustration a few nights ago, I actually asked my hubby (who has been sleeping downstairs in the spare room since Zac's arrival) to please help me! Nothing I seem to do aleviates his pain and therefore the crying. It is physically and emotionally draining and I'm exceptionally emotional about the fact that I don't have many moments to bond with my son. He is far too niggly for me to actually find peaceful moments where I can just gaze into his little eyes and get to know him... I'm literally tearing up as I type this as I know how incredibly quickly they grow up and I'm losing precious moments.
Having said that though, I do know that this will pass. However, in the meantime, I am torn. I'm torn between consoling my newborn baby and then giving my little Lily Pie attention. Zac's discomfort seems to take priority which once again, pulls at my heartstrings and "Mother's Guilt" sets in. I have, out of desperation, tried numerous "colic" remedies, something I would never have thought I'd do as I'm very against drugs and non-natural interventions with a baby so young. I don't want to continue on this road so I'm currently looking at going to a homeopath as well as possibly buying a baby rocker which I believe often helps settle the poor little things. I'm hoping that something works and soon!
In the past when moms would say the first 6 weeks of a baby's life are the most difficult, I would think to myself that it honestly isn't that bad. Well... it clearly depends on the type of baby you have! When I had Lily, she was easy. I could lay her down and she would easily self-soothe. She was also a brilliant "burper" and didn't struggle with winds too badly. Zac on the other hand isn't as easily settled and I seem to have him in my arms constantly. I have now resorted to having our domestic worker put him on her back in the mornings so Lily and I can get dressed. Thankfully he seems to enjoy it and does fall asleep.
So even though I'm feeling incredibly drained and anxious with the current situation, I'm still thoroughly enjoying getting to know little Zac better and LOVE seeing how fond Lily is of him. She constantly wants to hold or kiss him which I'm just so grateful for. The last thing I need right now is a jealous toddler especially while Zac is so needy. So, slowly, we are getting more and more used to our little family of 4 and hopefully the next update on little Zac will be more positive and he will have outgrown his discomfort.
PS. On a brighter note, Zac gave me his first smile at 3 weeks old and confirmed it with another smile last night, one day before he turned 4 weeks :)
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Sleeping in mommy's arms - 26 days old |
Monday, April 30, 2012
Update on things at home
Well, our little Zac is now 2.5 weeks old and we are slowly settling into a routine. People usually say that the first 6 weeks of a baby's life are hectic and quite an adjustment for you as the parent. With Lily, I could honestly say that it didn't take too much adjusting and I found it quite smooth sailing. Yes, the sleep deprivation takes quite some getting used to, but she was a great sleeper and I remember many a night having to wake her up for a feed as she had slept through the usual 3-4 hours you can wait between feeds. Although, having said all that, your memory does tend to fade and you forget the "bad" things so perhaps it was worse than I can recall. Yet another reason why I'm so grateful for this blog - to jolt that ever fading memory of mine!
Zac in the other hand is quite a niggly baby. I seem to have to cuddle him quite a lot in order to soothe him. Now perhaps I didn't notice this with Lily as I held her most of the time whereas with Zac I have Lily to play with and to give attention to so I can't be holding him 24/7. He also battles a lot more with winds, especially at night. I find we are usually awake for a minimum of an hour to up to two hours every time he has a feed as we have to burp for what seems like an eternity. I feel so sorry for the little guy as he seems like he is in such agony lifting his little legs and folding himself over. I don't want to tempt fate, but the last couple of nights have been much better and I've found letting him sleep on my chest makes for a much longer, quieter night for the both of us. Plus, I get that one-on-one time with my little boy that I don't always get during the day. Love it!
Zac is also a very hungry little thing and just loves to be on the boob! As a result he gained almost 400g in a week when we last had him weighed! On one hand I'm thrilled that he is drinking and gaining weight so nicely but on the other hand, I don't want him to get big so quickly. I want to enjoy the teeny tiny little baby I have for a while. He is still very petite and his newborn outfits are far too big but he is certainly going to grow into them soon at this rate!
Due to the intense feeding, my poor nipples have really taken a bashing. I've had 5 laser treatment sessions and they're finally getting a little better. I found myself literally holding my breath before every single feed when Zac would latch. The pain was that intense! I knew that I would probably go through all of this though as I went through the exact same thing with Lily. Why after going through 9 months of pregnancy and a painful delivery do we have to then endure painful nipples and engorged breasts?! Sometimes I question creation! And then to top it all off, I have thrush which makes the nipples painfully tingly post feeds, I could almost quit the breastfeeding there and then! Thankfully my doctor has prescribed some meds which I'm going to start today. Hopefully they work and my days of painful nipples are long gone.
Lily is being such a wonderful big sister. She absolutely adores her brother and gives him kisses all the time. She often just goes up to him and says in a high pitched "I'm talking to a baby" voice,"Hello Zac" or "Hello boy" followed by a kiss on his head. It is so heartwarming and I'm hoping it lasts. Lily is truly such a gentle, kind soul. We are truly blessed! She is also growing up so quickly and is talking up a storm stringing words and sentences together beautifully. I just love talking and listening to her. As a result there are so many smiles and lots of laughter in our household. On the whole, we are all adjusting quite well to our new family of four.
Hubby is so much more hands on which I'm truly grateful for. I know I can rely on him to help me should I need it whereas prior to Zac's arrival, I did most of the baby related duties. As a result if him being more involved, I can see a closer bond developing between him and Lily. It is so wonderful to see. They just adore each other which makes my heart swell.
And that's an update on how things are going in the Aufrichtig home at the moment. Here's to hoping the baby winds cease, that Zac becomes more chilled in the upcoming ing weeks, that Lily remains the kind big sister to Zac and that hubby and I continue to work well together to raise our precious little family.
Zac in the other hand is quite a niggly baby. I seem to have to cuddle him quite a lot in order to soothe him. Now perhaps I didn't notice this with Lily as I held her most of the time whereas with Zac I have Lily to play with and to give attention to so I can't be holding him 24/7. He also battles a lot more with winds, especially at night. I find we are usually awake for a minimum of an hour to up to two hours every time he has a feed as we have to burp for what seems like an eternity. I feel so sorry for the little guy as he seems like he is in such agony lifting his little legs and folding himself over. I don't want to tempt fate, but the last couple of nights have been much better and I've found letting him sleep on my chest makes for a much longer, quieter night for the both of us. Plus, I get that one-on-one time with my little boy that I don't always get during the day. Love it!
Zac is also a very hungry little thing and just loves to be on the boob! As a result he gained almost 400g in a week when we last had him weighed! On one hand I'm thrilled that he is drinking and gaining weight so nicely but on the other hand, I don't want him to get big so quickly. I want to enjoy the teeny tiny little baby I have for a while. He is still very petite and his newborn outfits are far too big but he is certainly going to grow into them soon at this rate!
Due to the intense feeding, my poor nipples have really taken a bashing. I've had 5 laser treatment sessions and they're finally getting a little better. I found myself literally holding my breath before every single feed when Zac would latch. The pain was that intense! I knew that I would probably go through all of this though as I went through the exact same thing with Lily. Why after going through 9 months of pregnancy and a painful delivery do we have to then endure painful nipples and engorged breasts?! Sometimes I question creation! And then to top it all off, I have thrush which makes the nipples painfully tingly post feeds, I could almost quit the breastfeeding there and then! Thankfully my doctor has prescribed some meds which I'm going to start today. Hopefully they work and my days of painful nipples are long gone.
Lily is being such a wonderful big sister. She absolutely adores her brother and gives him kisses all the time. She often just goes up to him and says in a high pitched "I'm talking to a baby" voice,"Hello Zac" or "Hello boy" followed by a kiss on his head. It is so heartwarming and I'm hoping it lasts. Lily is truly such a gentle, kind soul. We are truly blessed! She is also growing up so quickly and is talking up a storm stringing words and sentences together beautifully. I just love talking and listening to her. As a result there are so many smiles and lots of laughter in our household. On the whole, we are all adjusting quite well to our new family of four.
Hubby is so much more hands on which I'm truly grateful for. I know I can rely on him to help me should I need it whereas prior to Zac's arrival, I did most of the baby related duties. As a result if him being more involved, I can see a closer bond developing between him and Lily. It is so wonderful to see. They just adore each other which makes my heart swell.
And that's an update on how things are going in the Aufrichtig home at the moment. Here's to hoping the baby winds cease, that Zac becomes more chilled in the upcoming ing weeks, that Lily remains the kind big sister to Zac and that hubby and I continue to work well together to raise our precious little family.
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