Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Paying dues

Due to work commitments and trying to build up his own business, my hubby has never been the most hands on of dads in the world.  He has other great, fantastic and admirable qualities, but being overly hands on with helping around the house and with Lily, was  not one of them... Well, that was the case before Zac's arrival.

I have to pay his dues and make mention of how incredibly proud I am of him.  He has really and truly risen to the occassion and proven to be an exceptional father.  I've noticed how the bond between dad and daughter has flourished, especially during the time when I couldn't be at home - when I was in hospital having Zac and then of course over the last few weeks being in and out of doctor's rooms and hospital with him as well.  Lily's face just lights up when her dad gets home from work and I can see that dad's face lights up just as much too.  Such a truly heart warming thing to watch.

Hubby has also been exceptional in doing the grocery shopping and preparing dinner every night.  Wow, I'm truly lucky!  With sick kids, I haven't had much time to get to the shops and with Zac's reflux and resulting 5pm meltdowns, I've had my hands full.  So to have him help out so much has really been a blessing.  And to top it off, he now helps with Lily's dinner, does Lily's bath times all on his own accord and then offers to read her her bed time stories if I am busy with Zac.

So this is a post to thank my incredible husband for doing so exceptionally well.  You have been thrown into the deep end a little yet you've kept your head above water and are doing brilliantly.  It alleviates a lot of stress and worries in my maternal department so I'm forever grateful.  Watching you with our children makes my heart want to burst - you are an incredible father and we are all so very lucky to have you xxx

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