Sunday, July 15, 2012

All is quiet...

It isn't often that I get some time off just for myself, but every now and then I get a rare moment when all is quiet and both babies are sleeping at the same time! So right now, I'm taking this precious time to do a little update and relish in this rarity of "Mel Time".

Slowly we are settling into more of a routine. Lily's sleep is still great with her going down at 7:30pm or thereabouts and waking up around 7am. We did have a little rough patch but I'm 100% sure it is down to teething as she is sprouting teeth left, right and center.  My poor little angel got her first 2 teeth at 12 months and then nothing until 17 months when she got a few more and then nothing again until 25 months. So the eye teeth are trying to push through as well as a few bottom and top teeth. It must be painful hence the few rough nights, but thanks to my best friends Aterax and Voltaran suppositories, all of us slept through the anguish of it all.

As mentioned in my previous posting a few days ago, Zac's sleep patterns are also settling down and we are enjoying only one feed at night. I am feeling a whole lot more human these last few days!

Lily is such a little sweetheart and a truly good munchkin.  Her manners are impecable, full of "please" and "thank you's" and even "I'm sorry's" bless her.  She continues to amaze us with her flawless memory, her rapid grasp of new things and her unbelievable curiosity. She brings such bright smiles and so much joy to our lives, as does her brother with his infectious open mouthed smiles and cute little coo's and aah's.  We are so very blessed with our two little munchkins and couldn't be happier!

My munchkins:

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