Sunday, June 10, 2012

Life in the Aufrichtig Home

Thankfully the kids are both well and truly on the mend and the dark, emotional, challenging and overall horrendous last 3 weeks seem to be a thing of the past (for which I am eternally grateful!).  I wouldn't wish those 3 weeks on my worst enemy and hope to never have to go through a similar ordeal in the future.

Thanks to Losec and Infant Buscopan, Zac is a much happier little baba.  He is smiling beautifully and will sit quite contently in his little rocking chair while he lets mommy deal with his sister, prepare meals or get dressed - something she couldn't do quite so easily as of a few days ago.  He truly is just a cutie pie and gets more beautiful by the day.  His eyelashes are an absolute phenomenon - so extremely long and gorgeous!  I was actually looking at his newborn photographs a few minutes ago and already I can see how he is changing from a scrunched up, wrinkly little baby into a beautiful little boy.
Due to the extensive sleep deprivation of the last 3 weeks, I finally relented and listened to hubby for us to hire a night nurse for a night.  I have to admit I secretly shed some tears when I got into bed - it just didn't feel right for me not to have Zac right next to my side of the bed.  It didn't feel natural to have someone else taking care of him at all.  However, having said all that and having experienced extreme guilt, I did manage to get a few hours of sleep in and felt all the more better for having done so and ultimately, I will be healthier too which allows me to be a better mother.  Hubby has asked if I am going to get another night nurse next week, but I've declined.  I will only make use of their services when I'm truly sleep deprived.  It just didn't sit well with me knowing someone else was taking care of my precious little angel.

Lily is the cutest little thing on this planet.  Her little antics and characteristics provide copious amounts of entertainment.  Not one day goes by without me having a little chuckle to myself or just staring at her in pure amazement.  Such a perfect little being that I created... How is it actually possible?!
However, as cute as she is, she is going through an awfully difficult phase when we try to get her dressed in the morning.  The resistance is phenomenal!  She performs like crazy, kicking and screaming throughout the entire ordeal.  It is truly exhausting.  The whole exercise of getting her dressed can take up to half an hour and ultimately ends up in her being reprimanded over and over again and her coughing, snotting and hoarse.  Eventually we do obviously win, but she is quite traumatised by the whole event.  I hope this phase isn't going to last too long as it is truly trying, frustrating and exhausting to say the least!  Luckily for Lily I have more patience than her father...

I still haven't ventured out of the house, besides from the hospital and doctor visits, for the last 5 weeks!  I have incredible cabin fever to say the least.  I am still quite overwhelmed by the thought of having to go out with both kids on my own so in the mean time, when we do eventually get out and about (when I'm 110% sure both kids are well and truly 110% healthy again), I will take Ritah along.  I don't know how people with kids my age actually do it.  You need 4 arms, eyes at the back of your head and exceptionally fast reaction timing.  But time flies - I actually can't believe that Zac will be 2 months old in 2 days time already - so I'm sure in no time, I will be the Super Woman I believe I can be and I will be out and about solo with both little angel pies :)

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