Sunday, June 3, 2012


Before I forget and the cute little pronunciations Lily makes escapes me, I thought I must document them as they are so worth remembering!

I call these "Lily-isms":
* Popcorn - poppicorn
* Octopus - opipiss
* Fingers - fingins
* Grandpa - boka
* This way - ziss way
* Elephant - enfant

There are more but I just can't think of them now. I will try to document more of them as they arise. Too precious for words! Oh and Lily can sing the alphabet (24 months old) - something neither hubby nor I taught her. We think she learnt from one of her iPad apps all on her own. Clever little monkey!

1 comment:

  1. Once again incredible writing.....there are so many more 'Lily-isms', but she is talking SO much that one forgets. She is truly an absolute joy and such fun to be with.
    Due to all the 'illness' the precious child now feeds her dolly "mecidin" from an empty syringe!
