Thursday, July 12, 2012

3 months old

On one hand, I can't believe that my little baby is 3 months old today, but on the other hand, due to the troubles we experienced in the early days (undiagnosed reflux and the horrendous RSV Virus), it doesn't seem like time has gone all that quickly. But now our little Zac isn't so little any more and boy is he a smiley, happy baby! A completely different child to the one who was plagued by painful reflux and subjected to tests and hospitalisations for the first 6 weeks of life.

Zac is growing so quickly. We went for his 12 week vaccination today (poor baby) and he has had quite the growth spurt. He has gained 1kg in 4 weeks and is now 60cm in length! He is in both size 2 and 3 nappies (finishing off our last pack of size 2's) and is fitting snugly in his size 1-3 months clothing. It is so sad when you have to start packing clothing away because it no longer fits - a constant reminder to enjoy and savour all the precious moments as they grow up so incredibly quickly!

Thanks to Losec for his reflux, we no longer have a moany baby, but instead we are greeted with smiles, chuckles and baby coo's. He really is a content and happy little man. His sleeping is improving too with him waking once during the night on most nights now with only a few rough nights in between. Hopefully this sleep routine stays put and only gets better from here. He is still in his Moses basket next to my bed. We are looking to move him into the nursery at the end of the month...

And my word does he have long eyelashes! As everyone comments, he has beautiful big eyes and a slight hint of a flirter's dimple as well. Turning into such a handsome little guy!

So all-in-all, things are going well and as time goes on, we are getting to know and love our little boy more and more. I often find myself staring at him in awe at his pure perfection - I am so truly blessed and love him more than I can describe!

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