Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oh so tired...

I suppose I was spoiled when it came to Lily... She was the exception to the rule, the definite minority in that she slept through from 8 weeks old.  Her routine was rigid in that she went to sleep at 6pm and woke up at 6am.  I was the envy of all other moms who probably, in hindsight, thought I was lying and trying to make out like I had the perfect little baby.  Well, I wasn't lying and yes, I did have the perfect little sleeper from 8 weeks old until around 18 weeks.  For those 10 weeks I was truly blessed and was secretly hoping Zac would allow me the same spoils...

Well, I was wrong and in for a shock.  Due to no fault of his own, Zac has been the complete opposite in terms of sleeping.  He seems to have wonderful day sleep stretches and can barely manage a 3 hour stretch at a time at night.  I'm not sure whether this is due to his reflux or not, but I'm surviving on minimal sleep.  I'm totally convinced that sleep deprivation is one of the world's worst tortures imaginable - you feel lethargic, achy and not quite yourself.  Hubby has been hinting at getting me another night nurse for an evening which I've been reluctant to do, but after yet another terrible night last night, the idea is starting to warm on me.  Now just to get Zac used to the bottle - something he has been fighting of late. 

His sleep patterns seem to see him going down at around 7pm until around 11pm - his longest stretch for the night.  He then goes down after about half an hour for about 2 hours waking up at around 1:30am and then the worst, he seems to wake or stir every hour!  The only way I can get him to stretch a little further to perhaps 1.5 or 2 hours is to have him sleeping on my chest.  Not the most comfortable for me, but at least I do get some sleep...

So as I type this, my whole family is having an afternoon nap, but I know Zac is due to wake up at any moment and the worst feeling is having just nodded off into a deep sleep only to be woken up, so I'm trying to stay awake.  Murphy's Law will have it that Zac will decide to have a nice long nap this afternoon and I could have actually had a bit of splendid shut eye.  Never mind, perhaps tonight will be a different scenario from the last few nights.  I can only hope and pray!

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