Saturday, May 19, 2012

Rough week

I am exceptionally pleased to see the end of this last week - it was extremely rough and all I can say is thank goodness I have my mom here to help.  Murphy's Law when everything came to a head, hubby was away for the night so what I would have done without my mom, I have no idea!

In the early hours of Wednesday morning I woke up with shivers and shakes aka a fever.  My left breast was incredibly sore and I knew straight away that I must have Mastitis.  I developed an excrutiatingly painful migraine and felt like death warmed up to say the least.  I have a relatively high pain threshold so didn't find the breast unbearably painful, but the migraine and fever just left me wanting my bed which, with 2 babies, isn't a possibility!  Thank goodness the doctor prescribed an antibiotic which cured the condition in 24 hours, but those 24 hours weren't easy!

While this was all happening, Lily woke up in the night vomiting!  So of course as a mom, you forget your woes and go to the aid of your sick child.  Lily had a fever and would continue to fight high temperatures for 48 hours!  I'm still actually watching her now to see if the fevers are going to return... After having rushed her to the ER on Thursday night at 10pm, the doctor confirmed she has a viral infection which would have to work its way out her system as there is no medication that would help.

Being sick while having to look after your kids is one of the hardest things to endure.  Quite honestly, you just cannot afford to be sick and when you are, you just have to "man up" and ignore how awful you feel!  In short, moms aren't allowed to get sick!  Thank goodness this week is almost over and here's to a healthy and happy family again :)

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