Wednesday, September 12, 2012

5 months today

Our little precious guy is a whopping 5 months old today! Still ever so happy and charming, he fills our lives with so much joy. I can't believe how big he is getting and guestimate his weight to be well over 7kg now. Many people have commented in the past that he has incredibly large hands so I'm intrigued to know whether our little guy is going to remain a little guy or whether he is going to be a tall, big boy! I suppose only time will tell...

Zac is still sleeping relatively well with one or two wake up calls at night. He then falls asleep on the boob and goes back down after about 15-20 minutes, allowing mom to happily go back to slumber land post feed. He still fights his day naps when sleep starts taking over - he fights it like something evil is taking over his little body! He pushes himself away from me and cries! Eventually, he succumbs to the extreme tiredness and I can then put him down in his cot.  His sister used to fall asleep by self soothing without being held or rocked, but unfortunately, our little Zac prefers to be held and then once asleep, can the transition into the cot commence.

Zac is ever the charmer and gives everyone big smiles and kisses. He loves being nuzzled in the neck and kissed on the mouth. He responds with giggles and big open mouthed kisses right back (although he obviously isn't aware of the kissing motion - he is merely responding the touch of your lips by opening his mouth). We truly are so blessed with a happy little guy.
Giving granny some love and kisses
We are introducing solids sometime this month and I'm looking forward to seeing how well he responds. Lily took to solids with much enthusiasm and enjoyment so fingers crossed we have the same with our little Zacy Boy :)

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