Sunday, June 3, 2012

Little did I know...

Little did I know that things were not going to get easier... Since my last post, Zac has been admitted into hospital another two times. The first time was for a continued chest infection and now, as I type this from his hospital room, he has been diagnosed with Croup. The second admission saw us spending Thursday night here only to be discharged the next day. Then on Saturday night, he sounded very chesty and hoarse so we were admitted yet again!

We have so far spent Saturday night here as well as tonight. Not sure when we will be going home, but my thinking is just to stay admitted until Zac is MUCH healthier - I honestly do not feel like being admitted again!

During our second admission 3 days ago, our doctor decided it was time to do some testing. Poor little guy, at only 7 weeks old, had to have bloods withdrawn from his tiny hands as well as a chest x-ray and a barium meal to test for reflux. Thankfully the blood works came back normal for everything. However, the barium showed that he has quite severe reflux and actually has it in several places. My poor angel has had indigestion and heartburn type symptoms for weeks now! Thankfully Losec seems to be providing the answer and he doesn't cramp and pull up his little legs after his feeds any more.

Then to add to it all, on admission this time, the doctor found that he has a middle ear infection which is rather painful, hence the crying and niggles. Apparently they liken an ear infection to toothache - PAINFUL! Again, my poor little boy. I wish with all my heart that I could endure the pain and discomfort for him. It isn't fair. He is still so very new and has had to endure being prodded, poked, smacked (physio) and fiddled with.

I honestly hope and pray that this is the last of all of this so we can go home and get into a routine as a family of 4. I so want to enjoy my little guy as even though he is enduring more than a baby ever should, he still smiles and even gave us his first giggle at 6 weeks old! Such a cutie pie who is growing into such a handsome little fellow. Please may this be the LAST post about my sick children and in future I will only have happier child related posts to write :)

1 comment:

  1. You and your precious little family have been through so very much, but we can only hope and pray that the light at the end of the tunnel is all that is shining for you guys.
    We love you loads
