Friday, October 29, 2010

Half a year!

I cannot believe that my precious little 3kg baby was placed in my arms 6 months ago!  Time is cruel and doesn't allow you to fully enjoy each little moment to its fullest.  I therefore try my hardest to treasure every single moment of Lily's "babyhood" to the fullest as she clearly isn't going to be a baby for too long. 

Lily truly has turned my life upside down and I mean that in the best way possible.  I cannot picture my life without her.  This tiny little human being has me wrapped around her teeny tiny finger.  She is my life and my reason for being.  I will do anything for her and I promise to always be the best mother possible.

Lily:  At 6 months you are so extremely cute!  I don't know how it's possible that you can get cuter by the day, but you do.  You are now sitting on your own, albeit a bit wobbly at times, but you're definitely able to support yourself.  You achieved this milestone a day before your 6 month "birthday"!  It's so amazing how you achieve these milestones though - 2 days before you turned 6 months, you couldn't hold yourself up while sitting, but the next day there you were fully supporting yourself and sitting!  Truly, truly astounding!

Sitting all on your own!
You are starting to realise more and more that I am your mom and that dad is your daddy.  You aren't that keen on going to strangers, although, having said that, sometimes you don't mind too much.  I love the fact that if you're in need of consoling, as soon as you're back in my arms you feel better.  I love that I can provide that comfort and security.

Some other info: 
  • You are still fitting into your size 3-6 month clothing and I'm itching to get you into the next size as there are some seriously cute outfits waiting for you.  
  • You are comfortable in your size 3 nappies.
  • There are still no signs of any toofies making their appearance any time soon, but the drool is still very much there!
  • You have finally found your feet and love holding onto them or putting them into your mouth.
  • You are eating up a storm and take to everything that your proud mommy presents to you.  Fish has been your latest conquest and although the first mouthful received a frightful frown, you acquired the taste in no time.  I actually think it was the texture more than the taste that took you by surprise.
  • You are a very smiley, happy baby and still scrunch up your nose when giving everyone who pays you attention the biggest grin.
  • You have now been on a plane twice and passed with "flying" colours!  You played on mommy's lap, looked out the window, drank your milk and even fell asleep.  You didn't cry once!  The old man sitting behind us even told me what a good baby you were.  Proud, proud, proud (and relieved) mommy!
Thank you my angel for the most incredible 6 months.  I'm so looking forward to more incredible moments in our journey together.  I love you more than words will ever express.


  1. That's just beautiful! And well done for the fish - wow!!

  2. love it, keep it coming, its a great read and so glad Lily is doing well

  3. Precious update, Lily is growing so, so beautifully! You have every reason to be a proud mommy!
