Friday, October 8, 2010

Model Material

Being a proud mommy, I obviously think Lily is the most beautiful little girl in the world, however, I am fully aware how in many cases with new moms and their babies, that love truly can be blind!  Take for instance my mom.  She thought I was the most beautiful baby and decided to enter me into baby competitions.  When I didn't come anywhere in these competitions, she thought there must be something seriously wrong with the people in charge of judging.  Fast forward a few months, looking back at photographs of me, my mom suddenly realised that firstly, she should NEVER have entered me into baby competitions and secondly, she should have put a brown bag over my head when going out as I was in fact a rather ugly looking baby in those first few weeks!

Having been told this story, I made a mental note to not be overly confident in the fact that how I perceived my child was accurate.  Obviously from the moment I saw Lily I believed she was beautiful, but I was cautious about believing in what I was seeing!

When I started receiving compliments about my child, I started to wonder whether it was possible to believe that how I perceived Lily was in fact true!  The most common description I received from friends was that Lily looked like a "beautiful porcelain doll".  I was also complimented on her hair and beautiful long eyelashes.

So, believing my friends compliments and my own perceptions, I decided to sign Lily up with a modeling agency!  I sent some photographs to Infinity Models and my heart swelled with pride when they responded saying that she was cute and they would love to represent her.  I had a meeting with them and was told that I would have to organise a tax number for her (bless, a 5 month old paying tax!) as well as her own bank account.  The modeling agency would organise a work permit for her on our behalf.  All I had to do now was go to castings and wait and see...

Well, after only 2 castings, we got a call back saying Lily was chosen for a German clothing company!  I couldn't have been more proud!  It was like receiving that final confirmation that my perceptions were right - my child is beautiful! 

So I've thrown out my reluctant inner voice questioning whether my perceptions were completely misguided.  Lily clearly didn't inherit her newborn/infant looks from her mom who never won any baby competitions and shouldn't have left the house without a disguise!


  1. Mel, Lilly is truly gorgeous! I think a nice girlfriend for London... hint hint!

  2. Mellie, you were a gorgeous little baby, it was just when you were 1 week old, still all wrinkled from natural birth when you were entered into the baby competition.....stupid me, not 'ugly' you.

    Love you lots and lots
