Thursday, October 14, 2010

Modeling experience

Well Lily's first modeling job was yesterday and it actually wasn't too bad.  I was a bit apprehensive about the distance with it being on the total opposite end of Cape Town from us, but we left with plenty of time and true to form, we arrived far too early.  I was so proud of Lily Pie as she didn't moan for 90% of the drive which was my primary concern.  I hate that her car seat is still rear facing and I have to play guessing games as to whether she's sleeping, playing, being quiet or is ready to have a little screaming episode!  Nevertheless, she only started to voice her aggravation about 10 minutes before we reached our destination - mission 1 accomplished!

Mission #2 was that she would be the perfect model and not cry when taken from me or required to perform.  So having arrived early, we had time to waste and to top it off, they didn't exactly stick to their estimated time line. We therefore waited for over an hour and a half before they needed Lily!  By this time, she was beyond her 2 hours awake time and starting to get rather agitated.  I tried to ignore the fact that she may not cooperate and hoped for the best!

As we walked into the room I noticed a stick thin, perfectly made up fake Lily mommy.  Now clearly this is why some mothers get depressed about their post-pregnancy weight when they read baby publications.  No-one with a baby has that kind of figure, her perfect hair, pristine make-up and stain-free clothing!  Anyway, besides being in awe of this early-20's youthful fake mom, I watched as they tried to tame Lily's hair.  Now for those of you who have been following my blog or who know my child, this is by no means an easy task!  It's actually impossible.  I know as I've been trying to tame it since the day she was born and am yet to succeed.

Anyway, they managed to get a few shots of Lily being held by her "perfect" mom before she realised that she didn't know that version of me and things weren't quite right.  Down went the lip and out came the tears!  Lily was then handed back to the real, more rounder mom who managed to calm her down before handing her back again.  The hair was still a problem so they attempted to wrap her in a blanket with it going over her head.  Unfortunately the comments then veered from "cute baby" to "she looks like Baby Jesus" so that was scrapped.  In the end it was suggested that Lily wear a little beanie or hat which is what they did.  They managed to get some incredibly cute pictures of Lily lying on a white bed with a bright red beanie staring right into the camera - PERFECT!  She was absolutely mesmerized by the flash and in the end, proved to be a perfect little model.  Mission # 2 accomplished!

Then we had to face the long, tedious drive home.  I was less concerned about our drive back as we weren't restricted by time constraints so I could stop if need be.  Luckily, due to the chaos of the morning, Lily was beyond exhausted and literally collapsed when I put her into her car seat and strapped her in.  As a result, our journey home was peaceful - final mission accomplished.

So I'm proud to say that my Lily Pie has completed her first job and did incredibly well.  We've opened up a bank account where her fees will be stored until she's old enough to enjoy it.  I'm not too sure how many of these castings and jobs I'll take her to as they are a little unpredictable and can mess with baby's schedule, but from this experience, I'll definitely be open to considering more job offers in future. 

Well done my little model baby, mommy's really proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. and so are your granny and grampa AND there is absolutely nothing wrong with your hair!!!!
