Thursday, March 29, 2012

Appreciating mother-daughter time

As of today, I have 13 days of mommy-daughter time with Lily, just the two of us.  It seems strange that we have had almost 2 years of just being the two of us (during the day while daddy's at work of course), yet it seems like I'm grasping at time for us to be a "twosome" like we haven't yet had enough time alone together.  This time in 2 weeks, we will no longer be a family of 3, but a complete family of 4...

So in the mean time, I am making the very most of our time together just us girls.  Two days ago saw me jumping on a jumping castle with my 8 month belly (must have been a sight!) and the following day I was on a jungle gym showing Lily how it was done (I didn't quite do the slide though for fear of it collapsing under my weight!).  I suppose I will need to take it slowly but I just want to take in and enjoy every single second of our precious time together. 

I find myself staring at her and my heart melting at the cute little things she is doing.  For instance, usually I am one for impecable table manners, but watching Lily chew away at her food with an open mouth making little chewing sounds just melts my heart!  Who would have thought?  I find myself wanting to capture these moments in time and treasure them forever.  Thank goodness for the technology of today where I can grab my phone and record these moments to relive whenever I desire.

Lily is really stringing her words together and communicating beautifully.  She is significantly linguistically advanced when compared to her peers and is quite a passionate communicator like her mom!  She seems to understand what we say to her too, although not always willing to listen... Definitely starting to practice her independence and own free will!

Otherwise she is still the light of my life and makes every day so worth living.  I know once her brother arrives things will be different, but I know my heart will only expand with the amount of love I am going to be giving them both.  I cannot believe that we will be a family of 4 in as little as 14 days!

1 comment:

  1. Mellie, yet again such a beautiful heartfelt read. I was sobbing through it whilst reading it to Dad. Sure he had the look, but I couldnt see due to tears pouring down my is all going to be fine and Lily will be very loved and made to feel very special, which of course she is. I remember only too well, so know how you are feeling, but as you know only too well, time does go by very quickly.
