Tuesday, December 28, 2010

8 months!

Another month down and Lily is now 8 months old.  I know I say this in almost all my posts, but honestly, the time just seems to be going so quickly.  My parents were recently visiting and we were reminiscing over Lily's photo album - we coo'd and aah'd over her first few days and weeks - she was so tiny with such dark hair.  Like I've said before, I don't remember her being so tiny and have been trying very hard to recollect those incredibly small hands and tiny fingers.  Size 1 nappies look far too tiny, newborn baby grows look way too small...

Today Lily is 8 months old and it's also her first day in size 4 nappies.  They're still a little too big, but they do the trick, so back to Baby City I go with the two packs of size 3 nappies that she no longer needs.  It's an emotional thing moving her into a bigger size nappy.  Who knew!

Lily is now lifting herself onto her knees and hands and instead of crawling just yet, she is rocking backwards and forwards.  I'm sure crawling isn't far off.  The "reverse slide" is still her ride of choice along with a few frustrated moments when a foot gets entangled or she can't reach the toys in front of her due to her going backwards instead of in the desired direction.

These past 8 months have been indescribable.  Nothing compares to being a mother and no-one will ever understand until they have become a mother themselves.  Joy, abundant love, bliss, constant concern, extreme happiness... some of those words are definitely suitable, but still don't do justice to the world of being a mother.

Lily - you are my life.  I cannot begin to imagine my life without you in it.  I miss you when I put you to sleep at night and I can't wait to see your smiling face when I wake up in the morning (granted, sometimes I'm happy for bed time when you've been busy all day and I can wait a few extra minutes in the morning when you haven't had a good night!).  You constantly amaze me and fill my heart with so much love and pride.  You are the most beautiful little girl I have ever laid my eyes on with your huge blue eyes, long eyelashes, perfectly shaped little eyebrows and crazy curly hair.  Not a day goes by without us sharing a giggle, kisses and tender moments - you are one truly happy little baby.  My life is forever changed now that you are in it and I look forward to every single new day we share together. xxx

1 comment:

  1. Your words are always so very heartwarming and always bring a very happy tear or two (or much more) to Dad and my faces. Lily truly is an absolute blessing, but you are such an amazing mother, we just couldn't be prouder. Love you both so very much. xxx
