Saturday, December 11, 2010

Summer is here

Finally the weather in Cape Town seems to be catching up with the rest of South Africa and it has realised that yes, it is Summer!  With this brings my excitement of putting aside Lily's 3-6 month winter outfits and hanging up all her new 6-9 and 6-12 month clothes.  However, this exciting moment also brings about a sad moment where the clothes get packed away ever too soon.  Some items she never even got to wear... Yet again, time is flying too quickly and it's yet another reminder to savour every single second during this precious time. 

But back to the point... Besides the emergence of the Summer wardrobe, the warmer weather also means it is time for the swimming pool.

Two days ago, we had a lovely hot day which warmed up the solar panels which ultimately warm up our pool.  My husband is a bit of a "princess" when it comes to water temperature and he will not venture into anything cooler than 27 degrees, hence almost our entire roof is covered in solar panels!  Be that as it may, the numerous panels worked together to heat up our pool to a bath temperature of 30 degrees - it was time to introduce Lily and this was the result:

This is so much fun dad!
I'm looking forward to introducing both dad and Lily to swimming lessons in the new year seeing she loves being in the water with her daddy so much!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mellie, how can she get any cuter, it is absolutely ridiculous.......this is just toooooo precious. It shows our happy little girl. xxxx
