Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First post of the year

Reflecting back on 2010, it was the most exhilarating, life-changing, truly amazing, trying, tiring, sleep deprived and best year of my life.  Although I fell pregnant in 2009, it was only at the beginning of 2010 that my pregnancy became visible and ultimately more real. 

I started wearing maternity clothes and receiving smiles from appreciative fellow moms; I started to shop with excitement for Lily's arrival; my sister moved back to South Africa after 12 years abroad; I experienced a scary scan where I was told that my baby wasn't growing and my amniotic fluid was low; quick change in diet to get baby growing again; yay, baby picked up weight and amniotic fluid level was normal; my incredibly special mom and sister threw me an unforgettable baby shower; my spare room changed into a nursery and out went the queen sized bed; natural birth was the plan, but was told c-section would be the safest route as Lily's head was stuck; one last quiet night away at Paternoster before baby's arrival; and finally... 28th April and I was a mom!  To date, the most amazing day in my 32 years of life.

I am proud to say that I found the first few weeks of motherhood easier than I had predicted, or had been warned.  Perhaps it was due to the fact that I was blessed with an incredibly easy baby or maybe it was just the fact that clearly a release of far too much serotonin had made me blissfully happy and able to cope with whatever was thrown my way.  Yes, I did suffer from sleep deprivation on occasion, but it was all worth while when I held my baby girl in my arms.  Having said that, I do at times wish that I had listened more closely to other moms and had slept a little more prior to Lily's arrival.  What I would do for a full, uninterrupted night's sleep or a nice late lie-in in the morning!  One day...

2010 was also trying due to the fact that it was the year that my hubby and I fought the most.  Sleep deprivation was obviously a contributing factor, but literally the birth of a child changes your life so dramatically that some bickering is to be expected. Along with the petty spats were thankfully some unforgettably special moments - the amazement shared at welcoming our creation into the world together; the unconditional love we share for little Lily; the proud moments shared when Lily reaches a new milestone; laughs shared when Lily entertains us...  The list is endless.  Here's hoping that 2011 sees fewer frustrations and more shared tender moments!

I'm looking forward to this year ahead watching my little baby become a little person.  She already has such a strong, funny and outgoing little character that I'm sure my hands are going to be kept very full, but filled with absolute joy!

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