Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sleep is evil & must be fought!

I suppose I must be grateful that I have a baby who sleeps well 95% of the time at night.  Her routine is still the same - supper at 5pm, bath at 5:30pm and down for the night by 6pm.  I'm then usually only woken up at 4am for a feed after which she goes down for a short nap and wakes up anywhere between 5am and 6am.  I'm lucky that I've never had to battle to get Lily to go down again at night - she literally has a feed and then when I put her back into her cot, she self soothes and I can go back to sleep.

However, day time sleep is evil and must be fought!  Her morning sleeps used to be relatively easy - put her on the boob, she would fall asleep and I would put her in her cot.  As of the last week, this is now not working and I'm finding it hard to be patient.  Don't get me wrong, I don't get impatient with Lily, but I would rather give up and leave her to stay awake, but that just spells disaster for the rest of the day, and needless to say for myself so she definitely still needs her morning naps.  So I am now resorting to rocking her in my arms shushing her to sleep with her bunny snuggled into her arms and face.  It takes a little more effort than just breastfeeding which I'm having to get used to, but I'm adamant that she needs her morning sleep.

The reason I'm so adamant about this is that Lily does not like afternoon naps.  No matter how much rocking, shushing, breastfeeding or singing I do, she will turn around, give me a huge smile and kick her legs to keep herself from going to la la land!  I seriously think my child suffers from a condition called "FOMO" - Fear of Missing Out - so sleep must be fought and will not win!

As I type this, I have spent a hard-working 20 minute session trying to get Lily to sleep.  Finally both sleep and I won a very well fought battle!  Mom can now have some time out to enjoy a well-deserved cup of coffee!

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