Yesterday, exactly one week before Lily turns 7 months, Lily said "Dada" for the first time! I realise of course that she doesn't understand the meaning, but it was extremely exciting for us nevertheless. I have persistently been saying "Dada, Dada" to her as I am adamant that it should be her first word so that when she needs or wants something, that's who she will call for : ) But all joking aside, it was very cute and the smile on hubby's face when he heard her was priceless.
And just a week ago, Lily also rolled over from her back to her stomach for the first time! She really is meeting milestones at the moment.
Yesterday was also exciting because we got the photographs from our photoshoot. An old family friend who now lives in Australia, happened to be visiting her parents in East London while we've been here and came around for coffee. She is a brilliant photographer and came along with her camera! We took some casual photo's and they are absolutely stunning, especially of precious little Lily Pie. Here are a few that I just had to share:
My little family |
So happy with my daddy |
A tender moment with mommy |
With my very special grandparents |
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