Saturday, September 18, 2010


Becoming a mother has made for some truly amazing realisations:

Firstly, my love and admiration for my own mom has grown even more than I thought possible.  I've always known how much she loves my sister and I, but only now do I fully comprehend how deep that love is.  It's an unconditional love, a love that will always be there - forever - no matter what the future holds.  Its unlike the love I have for my husband.  That love is conditional.  There are certain conditions on which our relationship is built.  No, a love for a child is something extraordinary and you'll only understand that once you've had a child of your own (just what my mom used to tell me when I was growing up!  Thanks mom, I now understand!).

Another realisation is how my life is now forever changed.  I will always worry and be concerned for the safety, health and happiness of Lily.  I will never be fully carefree again, with only "me" to think about.  I am now responsible for a whole new life!  The human being that my daughter ultimately becomes is as a result of my and my husband's parenting.  That is quite a responsibility to have and I hope that I do the best job possible - I will definitely strive to do so.

And finally, I never realised how much I would absolutely love a tiny little person only hours after meeting them.  The love I already had for her knew no limits and it only gets stronger every day.  Sometimes I get all teary just staring at our little creation and my heart just wants to burst. 

I am truly blessed.

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