Friday, September 24, 2010


Time is literally flying!  I was reminiscing through my photo album of Lily, the one I've created right from the day I got my positive pregnancy test result, and I cannot believe how things have changed!  From my growing belly, booking into hospital, seeing Lily for the first time to today - the precious almost-5-month-old who continues to amaze me!  She is changing on a daily basis and although it's amazing, it's also making me scared.  I want time to stand still for a while.  I can't remember how tiny she was, how much she slept, how much she cried... Those early memories are becoming a blur.  That's why I'm grateful for this blog - a go-to reminder of all the little milestones and our overall journey together.

Some milestones to remember at 5 months (well, 4 days before Lily's 5 month birthday):
  • You've finally outgrown your #2 size nappies - hello #3's!
  • I've packed away your size 0-3 vests even though size 3-6 months is still a little too big.
  • You giggle at least a few times a day now and it makes mom's heart melt.
  • You have rolled over from your tummy to your back a few times - we now await the rolling over from back to tummy.
  • You're still sleeping well with one night feed which I'm truly grateful for!
  • You're a drooling machine so mommy's constantly looking for signs of your first toofie - nothing yet.
  • You're noticing the dogs and finding them very interesting!
  • You've learned how to get angry!  You arch your back, your face goes bright red and you make a noise similar to the sound of someone who's constipated and desperately pushing!  I can't help but laugh.
You are the light of my life and I just LOVE waking up to your smile in the mornings.  It makes the middle of the night feeds and early mornings all worth while!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mellie, this is absolutely beautiful, it brought tears to both Dad and my eyes (well, cheeks if I am honest). Love you both lots and lots xxxxx
