Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mommy Body

Getting a belly or losing my figure were the least of my concerns when I got the 2 lines on the pregnancy test last year.  I so wanted to fall pregnant and start a family that if my body were to change, so be it.  Having said that, I am in absolute awe of what this body is capable of - of growing a perfect little human being and protecting her until she was ready to enter this world.

So now that Lily is here and 4 months have past, I'm now more critical of my post-pregnancy body.  I was never a 6 pack type of girl, but I was quite proud of my flat, relatively toned abs.  I suppose I am one of the lucky ones whose stomach went flat almost immediately after giving birth, however, I am definitely more "jiggly"(the most suitable word I can think of) in the abdominal and "muffin top" area!  The most apt way of describing it is like there is air underneath the skin - when sitting, rolls are now appearing where I never had them before!  This body has certainly taken on a life of its own!  I am now left pondering when (or even if) my body will go back to its former glory?

During pregnancy your hair and nails grow beautifully and probably attribute to the "glow" many pregnant women exhibit, however, no-one seems to mention the after birth hair loss!  I'm almost certain that at this rate my hairline is going to resemble my husband's very soon (who is almost completely bald)!  Surely there's a limit to how many hairs one can lose in a day?  I'm starting to worry...

And the final, most devastating thing is... my boobs!  I've always been well endowed in this area, but luckily pretty perky too, but today I did the "pencil test".  For those of you who don't know what this is, it's a way to test "droopage" by putting a pencil underneath your boobs and to pass this test, the pencil should fall out from underneath.  Unfortunately I failed dismally!  That pencil was going nowhere!

So my body has changed... But then again, I have changed.  There are more important things in my life now than my body and how it looks.  My husband still finds me attractive (thank goodness) and I have a beautiful baby girl to show for it which to me, is all that counts at the end of the day!

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