Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Learning so quickly!

Lily is truly coming into her own and developing her own little character.  She absolutely loves attention and whenever we go shopping, she happily greets people, waves at them, laughs and even tries to have conversations with them.  I am often stopped by random people who want to have a chat with her, or want to tell me how gorgeous my child is or to just admire her.  I obviously love this and feel very proud, but what makes me even more proud is the fact that I know that she will take the opportunity of the attention and will give her admirers a cute giggle, huge smile or even a cute batting of her eyelashes!

Of course she isn't all cuteness all the time... Lily has now learned to show us what she does NOT want!  She will arch her back if she doesn't want to sit in her car seat or her high chair and she hates being put onto her back to have her nappy changed.  I have to constantly distract her with a toy or mommy's horrendous singing voice to stop the mini tantrum.  She also protests if I take something away from her that she's happily playing with.  Gone are the days where you could just easily take an object away - now she knows what she wants and she has no problem letting us know that.

It's so cute to hear how she mimics some of the words we say.  The other day I was doing a puzzle with her and asked her where the "clock" puzzle piece was.  I repeated the word "clock" a few times, without even thinking she would try to repeat it, when all of a sudden out popped the word "cock"!  Obviously not the desirable first few words you want your child learning to say, but I was happy with the fact that she was at least trying to copy what mommy was saying.  Her vocabulary has now increased to include "Dada", "Mama", "Cock", "Ta" and "Hello".  Hello doesn't quite sound like hello, but it is definitely her own way of saying it just like she has her own unique way of saying "clock"!

Lily has also mastered the art of waving which she has been able to do for a while, but now it is most definitely a deliberate movement when people say hello or goodbye.  It's too cute and receives many "oohs" and "aahs" from people on the receiving end of her gesture.

My angel is really growing up so beautifully and I fall in love with her more and more every single day.

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