Thursday, March 24, 2011

Don't want to tempt fate, but...

Lily has been sleeping SO beautifully the last week!  She has been going down so very soundly for all her naps - morning nap, afternoon nap and evening bed time.  Even if she has been wide awake prior to me putting her into her cot, she hasn't fought the sleep, she has peacefully resigned herself to the fact that it is now sleep time and she reaches for her "Lily & Jack" bunny and self soothes until she is in "La La Land"!

Even though I've never really battled with putting her down for her night time sleeps, I have battled to get her to sleep through the night.  She usually disturbed for at least 2 dummy calls and would then peacefully drift off again, starting her day between 5am and 6am.  One morning, much to my shock and horror, she started her day at the ghastly time of 4:20am!  Thankfully that was a once off and I hope it never happens again.

Anyway, as of the last week, she has been sleeping through!  Funnily enough though, I'm feeling MORE exhausted!  Perhaps it's my body adjusting to getting more sleep than I have for 6 months (Lily did sleep through from about 8 weeks until 4 months old).  It is quite a strange phenomenon to be honest.  I thought I would have boundless amounts of energy with the undisturbed sleep.  I'm hoping my body gets more "in tune" with the hopefully new and improved sleep routine!

In addition to sleeping through, Lily is also now starting her day between 6:30am and 7:30am.  It's truly wonderful!  Now if only the dogs wouldn't wake me up earlier and my husband would stop snoring!  Bliss!

On another note, I came across this on another blog and thought it was truly brilliant and so very true.  Just had to share:


  1. Very sweet Mel!They could almost be twins.Sam started doing the same with his sleep around a month or two back when he weaned. And you will find your new sleep routine! I was exactly the same as you. Someone mentioned it was because when you waking at night for baby, your body pumps adrenaline and when you not and your body is no longer making adrenaline, you then feel drained or sapped of energy...took me about a month to get back to normal or as normal as can be with an almost one year old baby and a toddler ;)

  2. Thanks for the comment Karen! Sounds like Lily & Sam are at least following the "norms"!
