Monday, January 23, 2012

A sponge!

I honestly cannot believe what a sponge my daughter is!  You literally have to say or show her something only once for her to remember it... and not even within the next few minutes of saying it, but literally days later it will be brought up and remembered!  She entertains and astonishes me on a daily basis.

I love it when I've woken up from a rough night of what seems like continual toilet visits and I happen to sneeze and this teeny little voice sitting next to me says, "Bess you mommy."  It can melt my heart - so sweet how she knows to say "Bess you" and how she omits the pronounciation of the "l" in "bless"!  Lily is also totally enthralled by aeroplanes at the moment and loves looking out for them shouting "Listen, airplane!" whilst pointing to her ear (well, actually whilst sticking her finger into her ear!).  The look of complete excitement makes me excited at the prospect of spotting one for her.

Lily is also totally in love with her grandparents.  Her whole body almost goes into a spasm of excited movements when she sees them and she shouts across the room, shop or mall for that matter, "Graaaannny!"  The word "Gig Gig" is now a thing of the past... sad how quickly they lose the cute little words they create for the "proper" pronounciation.

She has also learnt the word "sore" and will say something is sore if she has hurt herself or if she wants attention.  The attention thing is also getting more profound with her lying on the floor pretending to be hurt and calling "mommy, mommy" until I either pick her up (her aim!) or completely ignore her and she eventually gets up and continues with what she was previously doing. It is so hard ignoring her calls for me, but I can't be picking her up every time she wants attention, especially with my bump growing so large by the day!

Her vocabulary is enormous, I can't begin to list all the words she is now saying or stringing together.  Some of them that I can recall at this moment are "wadee" for water, "thip" for ship, "bus", "naughty", "wowee" for flower, "dolthin" for dolphin, "ephant" for elephant, "Harley Boy" for Harley (as taught to her by her proud daddy!), "TV", "iPad", "phone"... the list as I said it truly endless!  I just LOVE this age and am truly amazed at least once a day by her ability to recall and remember things I have told her or have said.  Perhaps time to also start watching myself... :)

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