Saturday, January 21, 2012

Paediatrician appointment update

On Wednesday Lily had her paediatritian appointment so we could have peace of mind about the piece of skin joining Lily's lip to her gum as well as her pigeon toed style of walking.  Lily's initial paediatritian has relocated so we saw the new doctor who was lovely - very softly spoken and gentle.  Upon entering the doctor's room, Lily was calm, chatty and playful, picking up a Barney teddy bear bigger than her and carrying it around with her!

Unfortunately that brave, confident exterior quickly faded when she realised we were in fact in a doctor's office and she went hysterical!  And I am not exaggerating - she was so anxious, she started screaming and crying until she couldn't breath and went a shade of blue!  I wasn't concerned as this has happened before so I just calmly told her to breath which she obviously eventually did.  The quiet, gentle doctor looked rather taken aback by the outburst and complete hysteria my daughter was displaying, but then again, the last time Lily was in that office, she had blood taken from her tiny little arms whilst being forcably held down by a nurse and the doctor!  I'm sure those traumatic memories came flooding back poor baby.

Besides the outbursts, screams, desperate pleas and lack of breath, I got the answers I was after.  Lily does in fact have quite a substantial, thick piece of skin connecting her lip to her gum which has made the gap between her top two front teeth quite wide.  It isn't the superficial, thinner type of condition that most people rectify with braces once the permanent teeth have made their arrival.  The doctor therefore advised that we consult with a peadiatric dentist who we are now seeing on Monday.  I just hope and pray that Lily doesn't recognise the dentist as a doctor and that the whole process is far less traumatic for her.  Luckily my husband is coming along to this appointment as the whole experience on Wednesday was quite devastating and exhausting for this almost 7 months pregnant mother!

The doctor also confirmed that Lily is pigeon toed, however, they don't usually worry about that sort of thing until the child is 2 years old.  They then need to determine whether it is skeletal or muscular, however, she believes that Lily's is muscular at this point in time.  So in the interim, she is to walk bare foot as much as possible and when we buy her shoes we should opt for Woolworths' Walk Mates or Green Cross shoes.  Hopefully both those options have at least a few trendy options for my stylish little fashionista!

I also checked a little skin mark I noticed on her little leg - it looks like a scar but I know that Lily hasn't cut or hurt herself there before.  The doctor said that it is a white birthmark which may grow as Lily does but it isn't anything to be concerned about.  It is so slight I think I'm the only one who has ever noticed it so I'm really not too worried.

Other than that, Lily is developing wonderfully, has an incredible, above average vocabulary and is doing really well.  Let's just hope the dentist can shed some light on the lip/gum issue and that whatever he suggests, won't be too traumatic for both Lily and mommy!

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