Friday, January 28, 2011

9 months old

Even though we are told that a pregnancy lasts 9 months, I do realise that it is usually slightly longer than that, like in my case!  Lily was quite happy inside her mommy's tummy and was in no rush to enter this world.  Even though my pregnancy didn't feel too long, I have to say that the 9 months of pregnancy versus the 9 months that Lily has been in my life, definitely went slower.  Like I keep saying, the last 9 months of being a mommy have gone by so extremely quickly!

We had our 9 month check this morning and Lily is still considered a petite little baby, weighing in at 8.5kg.  She is now 70cm long and her head is also growing nicely (of course - she has her mother's brains).  Unfortunately, along with the nice developmental measurements we had done at this clinic visit, Lily also had to have her measles inoculation.  Shame, it breaks my heart - she was all smiles beforehand and when the needle hit, she went bright red and gave a loud cry.  Luckily it lasted all of 5 seconds and she forgot about it much to my relief.  Now we have 3 months to go until the next ouchy injections :(

Otherwise, Lily still has no teeth, is still leopard crawling all over the place, pushing with her right leg and dragging her left one behind (resulting in a rough piece of skin under her right big toe!).  She is also starting to open draws and cupboards, resulting in the child proofing moving up a notch to cupboard locks, especially for the detergent cupboard in the kitchen.  I have to watch her like a hawk as she keeps on making a bee-line for the dogs bowls and the opened sliding door...  I can only begin to imagine how busy I'm going to be when she starts crawling properly!

I am still amazed at how much I totally and unconditionally love my little Lily Monster and of course, how much this love just keeps on growing.  How is it physically possible?  She is our life and lights up our world.


  1. Love your blog Mel, such an awesome tribute to your precious daughter!

  2. Aaah thanks so much Jess - as is yours x
