When I fell pregnant I obviously had numerous amounts of questions. This is a completely new, exciting, nerving, worrying and incredible experience and of course the go-to person for my initial few hundred questions was my own mom. Unfortunately, my mom's pregnancies happened over 30 years before mine, so a few of the questions I had were answered with "Sorry my love, but I honestly can't remember". I therefore decided that I would document some of the details and facts about my pregnancy for the day I am, please G_d, blessed with these questions from Lily. Lily can look back on this post and hopefully get some answers should I not remember (something which is highly likely due to my memory bank being like a sieve!).
- You were conceived 5 months, but 4 cycles (1 of my cycles was 2 months long) after we first started trying for you.
- You were conceived around the 22nd July 2009.
- I did my first pregnancy test on 23rd August 2009 and blood tests were done on the 24th August confirming that I was between 4-5 weeks pregnant. I was beyond ecstatic, shaking with absolute disbelief when 2 lines appeared on the pregnancy test!
- The first few weeks of pregnancy is often accompanied by cramping similar to period type cramping. This is completely normal!
- The first time we saw you was at 9 weeks pregnant. We weren't allowed to listen to your heartbeat just yet, but we could see it. Truly, truly amazing.
Our miracle little bean at 9 weeks |
- At 13 weeks we had the Fetal Assessment scan done to confirm that everything was normal with our pregnancy. We were so relieved when all the scanning and testing showed us that you were absolutely perfect. We were so blessed.
Precious Lily at 13 weeks |
- It was so amazing to feel your first little movements at 18 weeks. It felt like little gas bubbles - so much so, that I wasn't 100% sure it was you in the beginning.
- Another amazing Fetal Assessment scan was done at 21 weeks. This was the first time that Dr Victor actually saw that you were in fact a girl. We decided not to find out what gender you were, but it was really difficult not finding out when we knew that the doctor could see!
- My clothes started getting a little tighter around the 22 week mark, but it was only at about 25 weeks that I started wearing maternity clothes.
Mommy's tummy at 24 weeks |
- You weren't very eager to turn upside down, but eventually at our 33 week scan, you were head down. Week 36 you were engaging and by week 38 you were face down as opposed to face up like you were previously lying.
- Dr Victor was worried about your size so we were told that you needed to be in this world by no later than your due date. Unfortunately 2 days before your due date, after an examination, the doctor found that your head was "stuck" and if we went for a natural birth, there was a high chance of ending up in an emergency c-section. After carrying my precious baby for almost 10 months, I was not going to risk that and we decided to opt for the safer c-section.
- You were born weighing 3.040kg at 4:50pm on Wednesday, 28th April 2010. The happiest day of my life!
- During my pregnancy I gained around 14kg. My stomach stayed relatively tiny, however, my bum and thighs definitely grew. I was carrying "all round" - almost like you were lying in my bum instead of my tummy : )
39 weeks pregnant - 1 week before you arrived. |
- I didn't suffer from serious morning sickness - only a constant nausea during the day. I went off meat and chicken completely and preferred carbohydrates in the form of bread or crackers.
- I had no cravings while pregnant with you except for a few weeks of really loving smarties!
- I didn't have too much pain whilst pregnant, except for some ligament pain in the pubic bone area towards the last few weeks. I put this "easy" pregnancy down to reflexology and exercise which I did weekly.
I absolutely loved being pregnant. I loved feeling your little kicks and hiccups (which you had quite often). I loved watching the alien-like movements that resulted when you would give a hard kick or stretch about. I loved watching my belly grow, knowing that we were getting closer and closer to finally meeting you. As strange as it sounds, I sometimes actually miss being pregnant.
Pregnancy is truly an amazing miracle. There is no doubt that there is a Higher Power who blessed us with you - our little miracle - and I give thanks every day for being so incredibly lucky.
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