Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lily's birth story

I belong to a forum that has really helped me along my life journey so far - with my wedding, my pregnancy and now my journey through motherhood.  It is a group of woman, some who I have met and others I haven't, who share their stories, jokes, upsets and general goings-on with each other.  Those of us who have gone through our pregnancies on the forum together, all post our birth stories once our angels have arrived.  I recently found the story I posted and thought I would paste it here too:

As you all know, I had to have a c-section at 40 weeks so I was scheduled for sometime late on Wednesday afternoon. I got to the hospital at 12h00 and was kept busy filling in forms, etc with the nurses until 1pm. Then we had to sit and wait! It felt like forever and the later it got, the more trips to the bathroom I had in anticipation! Eventually they told me it was time at about 4:15pm. I was wheeled down to theater, Daniel was given his scrubs and we met my anesthetist who was amazing. He explained everything that would happen and in we went. I didn't even realise that they'd started cutting it was so quick! The spinal isn't sore at all - it just felt strange not to be able to move my legs!

After about 3-5 minutes my baby was out! It was the most surreal, amazing moment ever! I looked over at Daniel and he was so teary - I've actually never seen him so emotional before, it was a beautiful moment! Little Lily was born weighing just over 3kg and has a mop of black hair, the cutest perfectly formed eyebrows and long eyelashes! I'm so in love with her it's beyond explanation!

The only downside of the whole experience was the morphine. After I was wheeled back to my room, I had about an hour of feeling normal and then all of a sudden it felt like I was on Mars! I was seriously taken to another planet. I couldn't keep my eyes open and couldn't converse with the new grandparents or family visiting. I was like that until they removed the morphine drip at 5am on Thursday! I felt like a terrible mother as they had to take Lily to the nursery that night - I was just so spaced out and drugged! They were even trying to get her to breastfeed while I lay with my head down falling asleep! I tried to stay awake but as I said, I was on another planet!

But luckily everything improved the next morning! As soon as I was lucid, they brought Lily to me and I was just madly in love all over again. Breastfeeding was difficult I have to admit! I got 2 hours of the Baby Blues on day 3 due to Lily not feeding and they had to top her up with formula. The Paed even suggested that I give up trying the breast and use a bottle due to my baby being very hungry! I felt terrible! But I was insistent and got the breastfeeding right and now both mom and baby are very happy!

Lily has been really good I have to say. She doesn't wake up at night so I've been waking her for feeding! My poor dad got such a fright the first night as he didn't hear the baby! He thought he'd be woken up by her cries at least once or twice. She is a very contented baby which I'm enjoying as I know that this may not always be the case. 

Anyway, this is turning into a novel of an update! I just wanted to say hi and let you all know how we're doing. Thanks for all your wishes and messages - it has meant the world to us! xxx

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