Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I can't believe that we decided literally at the last minute, to do renovations on our house.  We are cutting the completion date so fine with the birth of our little guy, it is crazy!  We have been contemplating doing renovations for quite some time, but only at the 11th hour did my dear hubby give the builder the go-ahead.  The builder seems to be confident that the majority of the building will be completed by the end of March - I really hope and pray that he is right!

However scary the notion that we may still be busy with contractors, painters and the like when baby arrives, I am considerably calm about the matter.  I suppose it has to do with the fact that there isn't much I can do about the whole thing should we go over the proposed deadline.  Quite contrary to my nature, I'm at peace with the fact that the banging, unwanted intruders and mess may be a part of my life for longer than anticipated.  I'm taking the stance that should completion happen prior to our little one's arrival, we have reason to celebrate!

I'm also in complete astonishment at my angel Lily.  I had made plans to go to Granny and Grandpa during building for her day time naps due to the noise literally taking place right outside her bedroom window, but to my utter amazement, she has been sleeping through it all.  I'm truly blessed with a great, deep sleeper - long may it last!  Perhaps my fears of a crying newborn baby upsetting her wonderful sleep routine are going to be unfounded.  I can only hope!

So at the end of all the mess, noise and inconveniences, we will have an extra upstairs room which will act as a play room, TV room and a tiny office.  Gone will be the days of toys littering my downstairs lounge and hubby's bar area!  Obviously there will still be evidence of toddlers inhabiting this house in our downstairs areas, but by a far less significant amount.  I'm excited for the new decor ideas, for doing up Lily's new toddler bedroom and for our house to finally be repainted and looking gorgeous!  It will definitely all be worthwhile in the end - something I have to keep reminding myself of when the noise levels, frustrating phone calls and admin gets a little too much!  Exciting times ahead!

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