Wednesday, February 22, 2012

21 month angel

Even though the heading of this latest entry is 21 months, Lily is in fact 6 days away from her 22 months "mirthday", but I just felt it necessary to give an update on my precious little angel. I know I say this in almost every single post, but she is honestly too adorable, entertaining us on an almost hourly basis with her cute antics and infectious laugh.

Some of the things she is doing that need mentioning:
  • Lily can now count to 12!  Something I'm very proud of as none of her little friends are doing so yet.  I think she is making up for her "slow" start with crawling and walking so at least now I can say she is doing some things ahead of her peers.
  • She says "I love you mommy/daddy/ganny/boka" on a daily basis.  Just melts the heart!
  • She calls Harley "Harley Boy".  Have no idea where this comes from but is ever so cute.
  • Lily is still obsessed with planes and helicopters and has to run outside as soon as she hears one flying overhead.  She shouts "Hello eloplane / Bye bye eloplane!"  I'm so excited as next week we are flying to Johannesburg for my cousin's wedding.  I can't wait to see how excited she is at the airport and then of course when we board the plane and fly!  I hope she is as excited on the plane as she is when she sees them flying by.
  • She is still very fond of her iPad which thankfully provides many hours of fun and educational entertainment at the same time.  It is still truly astonishing how she manoeuvres herself around the apps until she comes to the one she wants to play with.  
  • Lily also knows the names and sounds of so many animals - too many to list actually.  She is amazing!
  • She is stringing 3 and sometimes 4 words together to form little sentences so every day we are learning to communicate with each other better.  It is now so much easier!
  • She loves listening to her nursery rhymes in my car and tells me to put them on as soon as we start our journey.  No more 5FM or KFM for mommy!  She even asks for the particular song she wants - "Nana nana nana" is for the chicken dance song; "Pokey" is for Hokey Pokey" and "Clock" is for Hickory Dickory Dock.
  • Lily has started to use the potty in the evenings just before her bath.  I place her on her little potty seat and she reads a magazine while the bath water is running.  Sometimes she will make a wee, other times not.  We make a huge fuss when she does wee and just ignore the fact that she hasn't when she doesn't.  She is definitely aware of the fact that she is weeing and pooing now as she sometimes tells us just before it happens.  So I'm watching the signs for advancing her potty training although I'm in no rush with her little baby brother arriving soon.
  • Sleep wise Lily is still a dream sleeping from 7:30pm-7am most nights with a decent 2-2.5 hour nap during the day, even while we are doing noisy renovations.
Now that I've listed some (actually very few) of the cute things she is doing, there are some "not-so-cute" things too:
  • The temper tantrums are starting although thankfully are few and far between.  Hopefully it stays this way...
  • Lily is still a terrible eater!  I battle with her on most days for most meals.  At the moment I can only rely on sausage, biltong, sometimes yoghurt, some fruit, cheddar cheese and dried fruit to fill her little tummy.  She will NOT eat anything she doesn't recognise!  Of course chocolate, sweets, ice-cream and chips go down without any problem!  I'm relying on a daily vitamin for her to get some nutrition and praying that things improve soon.  It has been like this for 6 months now so I really do hope it's nothing permanent.
  • I'm not sure whether it is an age related thing or whether she knows a little brother is coming soon, but Lily will very seldom play on her own these days.  Every time she wants to do something, it is "come mommy, come mommy" with an accompanied hand gesture willing me to follow her.  Usually I wouldn't mind, but with my growing belly, it isn't easy for me to crawl on the floor, crawl into her cardboard house or sit in her sandpit!  So I feel guilty in that I find myself saying no quite often.  I try my best or we go for a drive to granny's house so her loving grandparents can take on some of the burden!  Thank goodness for my folks!
Luckily and thankfully my list of cute things versus not-so-cute things is far longer and I honestly cannot complain.  My little munckin is growing up far too quickly but I'm loving every single moment of it!

1 comment:

  1. Once again beautifully written, Mellie. Your babies are very lucky that one day they will be able to read such loving things about their growing up. Too special. We love you lots and lots xxx
