Sunday, April 10, 2011

1st birthday parties

April is definitely a busy month!  It is the month when many of Lily's little friends celebrate their 1st birthdays so our diaries are full.  I think we have parties every single weekend, with us having to be at 2 parties on some of those days as well!  I'm going to have to limit Lily's food intake as all they seem to do at these parties is eat! 

Yesterday we celebrated little April's Mini Mouse birthday party and it truly melts my heart seeing all these little people sitting so nicely at their party table together.  Just yesterday they were tiny little helpless babies and now look at them...
Lily's first birthday party is being held at home so hopefully the weather is kind to us.  Having a big group of people along with their 1 year old babies all cooped inside due to bad weather is not going to be ideal.  I have decided on the theme and bought quite a few of the decor items so we are on track.  I have placed the cake order, have bought 90% of the party pack surprises and just have to think about a few minor details.  I'm looking forward to celebrating our little angel's first birthday party - a celebration of, without a doubt, the best year of my life!


  1. Oh wow, Mellie, Dad and I have just caught up with your blogs and once again, the tears have just poured down OUR cheeks and I at times couldn't even read to Dad as the lump was far too big.
    You write so incredibly well and from the heart, it truly is amazing and heartwarming.
    Love you both lots

  2. Hi! So sweet - we are also wall to wall birthday parties - had two on Saturday and by 19h00 I was exhausted. When are you doing yours? We are doing Sam's on Sat 30th. So with every friend that Sam has, comes along a matching sibling friend for Alex. What have I done and I have said I will serve lunch for the parents too. I also hope for good weather, think of me, I will think of you!!!

  3. Thanks everyone!

    Karen, we are also having Lily's party on Saturday 30th. Will definitely think of you as well!
