I can't believe that today is officially the last full day of this pregnancy... In a way it has come around so quickly and in another, I seem to have been pregnant for an eternity. It is amazing how different a second pregnancy is as you really don't have as much time to ponder on the journey and milestones as you do with your first pregnancy. Having said that, this too has been a very special pregnancy and I've loved every minute of it. I just love the kicks, movements and growing belly and have been blessed with two very healthy pregnancies - I'm truly lucky!
Our last scan was yesterday and our little guy is still very much in the breech position. My doctor has warned us that the birth may appear barbaric as they literally pull him out by his legs with his head still firmly in place up deep inside my stomach. I've been told not to worry as he is still connected to me via the umbilical cord so his breathing will be fine. He also warned that forceps may very well be used which I am definitely not loving! I hope he comes out easier than the doctor has predicted.
38 week belly! |
Today has been so wonderful up to now having spent quality time with my little Lily. We went and bought her a newborn baby doll so she too has a new baby to look after when mommy comes home with her brother. I will give it to her when we come home from the hospital. From the shops I took her to the farm stall where we were the only people there and had free reign of the place. Hubby then happened to be in the area so he joined us so we spent some QT as a little family of three. He then left and my mom, gran and sister arrived to have a coffee too. So we've had a wonderful morning spent with all the important people in our lives.
Lily is now sleeping allowing me my last little bit of "Mel" time before things get super busy from tomorrow. I miss her while she's sleeping... I just want to hold and cuddle her all day. I'm super excited to meet our little prince tomorrow but I'm SO going to miss my little Lily Pie. Being a mom is a guilt-ridden roll and I believe you never outlive it. I best start getting used to it I suppose!
I still can't quite believe that the next time I blog, I will be a mommy to two!
Once again, a beautiful, heartwarming read. Love you so very much xxxx