Sunday, August 28, 2011

16 months today

Happy 16 months my precious little Bug, the absolute light of my life!  You are such a darling, perfect, beautiful little angel who constantly fills my life with love, laughter and excitement.  Every day brings about new milestones, no matter how small and my heart wants to burst with pride and love.

You're now walking beautifully and rarely get down on all fours to crawl around.  It is amazing how much bigger and taller you appear now that you're vertical instead of horizontal.  I still have no idea where your little teeth are hiding as you still only have 2 little pearlers at the bottom front of your mouth.  Never mind, I'm sure (well... hopeful!) that they are on their way.

At the moment life is a little exhausting for mommy as you're not sleeping perfectly like you had been for the last month.  I am  hoping it's your teeth bothering you so that as soon as they sprout you'll be sleeping like an angel again.  Although I say you aren't sleeping perfectly, I honestly can't complain.  There is usually only one wake up call during the night at around 2:30am when I have to hold you in my arms and rock you back to sleep for about 20 minutes and then the very early wake up time of around 5:30am.  Murphy's Law however, this morning when it was daddy's turn to wake up with you so mommy could have a rare lie-in, you woke up after 7am!

Anyway, happy 16 months my angel.  Mommy loves you to the moon and back!  We are truly blessed to have such a gorgeous little family xxx

1 comment:

  1. Once again, beautifully written and we couldn't agree with you more, Lily truly is the most beautiful, amazing interestingly cute little character. We love her so very much. Granny and Gramps Hertz. xxxxx
