Friday, May 6, 2011

Sleep changes... again!

The last 2 days have seen Lily refusing to go down for her morning nap.  It appears that she believes that a morning sleep is now no longer required.  So instead of fighting each other this morning - me fighting Lily to go to sleep and Lily fighting me to stay awake - I decided to let her stay awake and off we went to the shops.  She seemed happy enough and not quite ready for a nap...

On our way home from the shops was a different story though.  She started getting a little miserable so I gave her her dummy.  No sooner was the dummy in her mouth and her eyes started to close.  Now the last thing I wanted Lily to do was fall asleep in the car as once her eyes are closed, for no matter what length of time, she believes she has had her nap!  So even a 10 second stint of eye closing equals the belief that she has had ample sleep.  So we quickly headed home with mommy's window wide open and the music volume much higher and luckily we managed to keep Lily awake.

Once we were home, I made her a bottle and prayed for a little bit of a nap... And wow, she went down beautifully at midday and only woke up again at 2:15pm.  I'm rather happy with this arrangement - more time to do things in the morning and a full 2 hour break in the afternoon.  Finally, time for me to enjoy my lunch and have a bit more "me" time as well as more mommy and daughter time in the mornings.  I quite like this arrangement actually...  The next few days will tell whether this is the new routine or whether it's just a passing phase.  Yet another change in the life of mommy and Lily!

1 comment:

  1. This made me giggle - I have so many times with both my boys done the window down, air con on full and music blaring, I cant tell you!!!! When Alex got a little older if he falls asleep I can pick him up and transfer to bed quite successfully. But I am just like you - I prefer my kids to sleep at home and me to have "mommy breather time"...
