Monday, August 30, 2010

Exhaustion 101!

From as early as those precious few weeks at home, Lily was a good sleeper.  I've heard people describing the first 6 weeks with your newborn as challenging, exhausting, life-changing and scary.  Well, all I could agree with in my first 6 weeks is the most amazing life-changing emotions you're engulfed with as I was obviously one of the very few lucky ones who was blessed with an easy child...

Well, I shouldn't have held my breath at the thought, as now, at 4 months old, Lily has decided that she no longer enjoys her 6pm-6am sleep routine and she would like to show her mommy what other exhausted moms are going through!  I cannot begin to describe the absolute exhaustion I am currently feeling.  The last few nights have been extremely draining with Lily disturbing, but not actually waking up, just enough to get me out of bed, into her room to redeposit her dummy into her mouth.  This she is doing on an almost 2 hourly basis until she eventually wakes up for one early mid-morning feed with mom almost dozing off with her still attached to the boob!  She then goes back to sleep and is awake at 6am for a feed and to start her day, much to the shattered nerves of mom who's secretly hoping and praying that she'll go back to sleep for at least another hour... but no such luck!

So to all the other exhausted moms out there, I'm starting to comprehend how you are feeling.  I just hope that next season's new trends include dark bags... The ones you wear under your eyes!

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