Lily's poor little arm! |
When attempting the crying method a few days back during Lily's lunch time nap, Lily decided that she was going to win and sleep would not prevail. My child has a strong character and knows what she wants - and that was to stay awake! She cried and cried until she was hysterical. As I walked into the room to console her, she looked up at me and projectile vomited all over herself, her hair, her clothes, her pillow, her blankets, sheet, mattress protector and dummy. Typically she chose a day when the maid doesn't work so mommy had to deal with it all on her own.
I immediately flipped her over so she wouldn't choke and then lifted her out her cot, stripped her naked and then put her into the bath. I think I usually have a strong stomach, but I was close to getting sick myself while trying to clean her. I had to wash her hair and what felt like her entire body. I also had to clean the bath once I had taken her out. It was then a matter of stripping the bed and making it again with fresh, clean linen. I then shoved everything into the washing machine, made Lily a bottle (the first formula bottle in ages) and she eventually fell asleep. I was absolutely exhausted by the end of it all!
So, as I said, I prefer "drugs" (magic medicine) to sleep training by far! Long may the sleeping through last!
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