Tuesday, June 28, 2011

14 months today!

Happy 14 months to my precious little angel baby!  You are so extremely cute and fill my days with so much laughter and happiness.  You grow more and more beautiful every day, so much so, that I can't quite believe that daddy and I could create such a gorgeous little person.  I'm madly in love with you and wish you a very happy 14th month birthday xxx

What you're currently getting up to:
  • You say "daddy" perfectly and often!  You no longer say the baby version of "dada" and you know exactly who your daddy is, much to your daddy's absolute delight!  Now we wait for you to say "mommy" perfectly too.
  • You just love the coffee table and climbing.  Poor mommy hates having to scold you for climbing as you still don't understand the dangers that come along with your exploring and little adventures.
  • You still only have 2 little toofies - where are those other ones hiding?
  • You are showing no interest in walking yet and are quite happy to crawl everywhere or walk holding onto furniture or your walker.  Those little leggies just need to be a little more steady and you need to gain a little more confidence.
  • You still love Harley and often try to give him kisses.  It is just too cute!  Bella annoys you a little when she continuously tries to lick your face but you've learnt to wave your hands at her and to say "no"!
  • You are now comfortably in your size 6-12 month clothes (although some of the leggings/pants are a little long) and are still wearing a size 2 shoe (although some size 3's are wearable).
  • You can say quite a few words including "three" (sounds like "weeeeee) when we say "one, two..."; you say "baa" for the noise a sheep makes; you say "wow", "wee" and "tap" (for when you tap your little tummy).  You also say "whoo whoo" for "woof woof" when the dogs bark and when a helicopter or plane fly overhead, you point your finger and make a gesturing sound.  You say "hi" and "bye" and wave happily at everyone when you know we are leaving.  When we are out shopping you wave at everyone walking past - I receive so many smiles from strangers who enjoy your friendly little gesture.  I'm sure I've left some words off the list, but that's what I can remember this morning.
  • You seem to have dropped down to only 1 nap a day which is usually any time from 10am-12pm.  This morning you went down at 11am and are still sleeping soundly.  So afternoon play dates and outings fill our days while we hang around together at home in the mornings.
  • You love slides and swings and generally being a tomboy!  Anything that throws you around or gives you a bit of a thrill you enjoy. 
I can't wait to see what this month holds for us and to watch you develop into the cute, adorable little person you are!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Totally in love

I really and truly am so totally and utterly in love with my little Lily Pie.  She brightens up my day and just makes me laugh and smile so much more than I ever remember doing in the past.  I look forward to seeing her in the mornings and miss her when she goes to bed at night.  She is truly growing into such a cute, feisty, loving, friendly little character.

At a few days short of 14 months old, she still only has 2 bottom teeth and a very gummy smile.  She is also totally uninterested in walking and happily crawls around to get from A to B.  I bought her a walker which she is really enjoying so yes, I know she can move one leg in front of the other, but she still shows no interest in doing so unaided.

Although she is reluctant to walk, she is climbing onto things with ease - from the floor onto the coffee table, from the coffee table onto the TV stand and then proceeds to reach up to touch the TV screen, her ultimate goal!  I have to be on constant watch to ensure her safety as she is climbing up at every chance she gets!  And the look of achievement and pride that's evident on her cute little face is too adorable, even though I should be "cross" with her for being "naughty"!

Every day is truly a blessing and is filled with laughter, smiles and giggles.  I love my little angel so very much and cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The busy-ness of life

As you can see from the date, I haven't posted in a while.  Life has just been rather busy with a toddler who sometimes decides that an afternoon sleep is no longer required, hence my time at the PC is seriously limited.  I have tried to use the computer with Lily present, only to have her climbing onto the desk, banging the keyboard keys and trying to touch the screen.  If I then try to put her onto the floor, she cleverly finds the power button and with one magic push of a button, all my work disappears!  So I have given up the idea of blogging while my little monkey is awake and I will try to update whenever possible.

While I type this, Lily is peacefully in dreamland.  She has been going down for a morning nap quite early of late due to her incredibly early mornings.  It is winter which means it is cold and dark in the early mornings - the only place you really want to be is in your bed and fast asleep, but no, Lily is having none of it and is starting her mornings at the shocking time of 4am!  This morning was thankfully a little better with a wake up time of 5:15am.  Who knew that I would EVER think that 5:15am was a "better wake up time"!  I have tried everything from making a quick bottle in my bathroom (with boiled water in a flask from the night before)to whipping her out of her cot in lightening speed and rushing to the spare room...  None of it has worked and Lily is quite frankly, wide awake.

Other than the early mornings, Lily is developing like a dream.  Although she isn't yet walking (nor does she show any inclination to want to walk), she is talking and communicating so well.  She understands when I say "A sheep says?" so she answers confidently with "Baaaaaaaa"!  She is proficient with her "ta's" when giving and receiving things and she refers to the dogs as "Whoo whoos".  If she sees a bird, she will point and make grunting gestures and she makes "aaah" sounds when she wants to cuddle or kiss.  She also knows how to count to three.  When I say "1", she often just looks at me, then I say "2" and she repeats with "doo" and then on "3" she puts her head back and says "eeeeeeeeee'.  It is just too adorable and puts a huge smile on mommy's and daddy's faces.  Lily also understands the word "dance" and will happily shake her head and her bum (her dance moves) and she also understands "tap" when she will pat her little tummy with her cute little fingers.  She also loves remote controls and will happily point the TV remote at the TV and the airconditioner remote directly at the units on the walls. It's so rewarding to see and hear how well she is picking up on things and how she is beginning to understand the world around her.

With all these developments obviously comes the "not too great" things such as the opening of drawers and cupboards, the pushing of any visible buttons (the DVD player, the dishwasher) and the latest, climbing on top of things.  She has now discovered she can master the coffee table and from there, climb up onto the rather high TV stand!  My heart cannot take it - I'm constantly watching her like a hawk!

I'm absolutely loving the age she is at now, it's so incredibly cute and precious.  I just adore watching my little creation exploring her little world.  Such a proud mommy I am.